Canon 6d lens recommendations


May 29, 2013
Hello everybody,

I just recently decided to upgrade my Canon XTi to a Canon 6d, and am now going to get some new glass. However, I am having trouble deciding whether to get the canon 24-105 in a kit with the 6d or get some primes. If I were to go with primes, I was wondering what 2 focal lengths you think would be best. I already have a 70-200mm f/4L IS so that range is covered.

Thank you!

I agree with this advice. The reports on the Sigma 35 f/1.4 say that it is an amazing lens!


I seriously want one! 😀 But I'm waiting for the new Canon primes to be released first 😛
You are going about this all wrong, just "covering" a focal range means very little depending on what you want to shoot. So please enlighten us on what you mostly utilise the camera for. I would highly suggest avoiding large focal ranges in every single lens except a high quality telephoto (which you already own)

So do you like shooting people? Travel photography? Landscapes? Insects? I need to know these things before I can give you some definitive answer.

The good thing you have going is the full frame which really adds to the lens choice you can have.

Also a budget would be nice considering I can recommend a 50mm 1.2 or a 50mm 1.8 (all depends on your budget)

I can recommend a Canon Wide angle or a Sigma

I can recommend a 24-70mm which is a fantastic portrait and travel lens however it is heavy much like a good wide angle

I can recommend a 100mm IS <- make sure it's an IS for macro trust me you will struggle taking sharp images of insects without a flash with the non IS models.

so invest in a proper camera strap before buying a heavy, bulky lens 😉

Give us some more detailed information please

I shoot both Canon & Nikon so I know allot about these camera's & I have every pro lens except 2 that I want on the Nikon side

The 6D is a FF camera so that lens will not work on it.


There are lenses that "feel" just right on full frame. Ex: 40mm, 50mm, 85mm, 100mm, 135mm.

Plus you get shallower DOF and better noise performance!