Can't hear sound from my speakers


Jan 9, 2010
Hello all. Little help. I am trying to figure out if my speakers work or not. They are Beats audio built in. Can't hear anything in Windows. However speakers are shown in device menu. In device menu I have High Def audio device and IDT High Def isntalled which i received the IDT from my product page on hp.

Now, my question is this. When I turn on the laptop and I keep hitting f8 or f10 to get into bios or something I will hear the beep from hitting the button too much. Is this beep coming from my speakers or is this some kind of motherboard sound and has nothing to do with my speakers?

HP DV6-6121he
Windows 7 HomeP x64

Ok so another update.

This laptop has 2 set of speakers. One on top, near the power button and one below near the palmrest.

I was able to test the speakers near the palmrest on another laptop and it worked. The top speakers are a different connection so I couldn't test.

Wouldn't I hear some kind of sound since at least 1 set of speakers is working?

Everytime I turn the volume up I can see the little green bar move up like there is a sound but nothing is coming out.

Between one set of speakers testing out ok, device manager has them listed with no yellow, hdmi playing sound through the tv and troubleshoot says it found nothing wrong with them is there any way this could be software related or maybe registry related? I just don't understand how everything checks out just no sound coming out.
Try the following for the speakers and see if it helps.

1. Go to "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Sound".
3. Make sure you are on the "Playback" tab.
4. Click on the device you are trying to fix.
5. Now click the "Configure" button and follow the prompts. (Be sure you also click the "Test" button.)
6. Once that is complete, click the "Properties" button.
7. When you are done with your changes, in "Properties", click "Apply" and then "OK".
8. Then click "OK", again, on the main "Sound window".
The last two drivers I tried when installing I could actually hear a little pop. Not a bad pop but more of a turning on type of crackle or sound. Same thing when I restart the laptop after the windows splash screen I hear a little pop or crackle in the speakers but no actual sound. So freaking confused.
Ok. New update. Someone should be able to help from here...i hope?

I plugged a device into the headphone and mic jacks. They weren't even headphones or anything, I don't have any. It was a square credit card reader lol. Anyways. I plugged it in and the sound works? W...T....F? It wasn't even speakers or headphones but the sound output works only when it's plugged in. As soon as I took it out then it went back to normal. Tested it with youtube also. Works! What's going on people?
Thanks. Unfortunately the jack is soldered on...of course my luck. However, I found a "quick fix" on youtube. Not sure if this will help anyone figure out the cause of the issue? Youtube video named "How to fix sound IDT driver/headphone failure using Dell Studio XPS 1640". The video is exactly my issue.

He says you're pretty much forcing or tricking the computer to output sound from the microphone or headphones

- Sound properties

- Recording Tab

- RT click the Internal Microphone array, click Properties

- Check the listen tab

- Check listen to this device

- Drop down menu underneath that change to headphone communication. Not speakers or default.

- Click apply and it's good to go.

Now that is the cheap fix. Does that help anyone understand the issue or how to fix this? Is it hardware or what?

Edit: This is not really a fix as it resets once you restart the computer and you're back at square one.

Edit #2: I think it's just hardware. Sound card or the jacks probably. It does the same thing when I run Mint live. No sound unless anything is plugged into one of the 3 jacks on the side. I cut the cord so it's just the actual metal plug that goes into the jack and it works no problem.