Connecting HDMI switcher devices using surround sound

Road Rat

Feb 26, 2015
Currently have HDMI cable from Dish receiver to TV.
Digital Optical cable from Dish receiver to Sony 5.1 surround sound receiver.
HDMI cable from Sony receiver to TV.
Would like to add HDMI switcher with 5 inputs:
> Apple TV
> VCR/DVD player/recorder
> Blue Ray player
And of course, i'd like everything to use surround sound speakers. Could you please explain how to connect all of these?
Connect the BD player., DISH box, & Apple TV to the receiver with HDMI. Connect the receiver to the TV with HDMI.
If the VCR/DVD has HDMI then connect that with HDMI to the receiver.
If not then how you connect it depends on the whether the receiver has the correct input for it and converts it to HDMI to connect to the TV. If it doesn't then connect that directly to the TV and use the optical audio cable to the receiver to bring the audio into the surround system. This will also feed the audio from the TV tuner or smart functions into your system.

Road Rat

Feb 26, 2015


Road Rat

Feb 26, 2015

Thank you so much for responding to my request! Please allow me to correct myself, upon closer inspection of the Sony equipment, i now realize it is not a receiver. It does not have even one HDMI input jack. So i went ahead and plugged everything into the HDMI switcher and plugged that into the TV. All devices work. In an effort to use the surround speakers, i plugged the digital audio in the TV's output jack and the Sony's input jack, but the only sound from the surround speakers is from the Sony's radio & DVD player. There must be a way to make this work. (I will guess that means buying a receiver?)