I have Dish Network. Just upgraded to Hopper 3 with 2 Joeys. My main TV component only has one working HDMI input. I want to keep using my Firestick but the Hopper 3 is connected directly to my TV component %28 a Pioneer Plasma several years old%29 via HDMI in the one working input. I tried a splitter purchased from Amazon%3B a HDMI 2.0 5 x 1 switch LITEXIM. %0D%0A%0D%0AI plugged my firestick into one HDMI input on the splitter and my Hopper HDMI cable into another input. Firestick works fine but no picture from the satellite no matter which input I try to use.%0D%0A%0D%0ANowhere on the minimal lit that came with the splitter does it say anything about not working with Dish Network. Will it%3F If not%2C do you have one to recommend that will%3F%0D%0A%0D%0AAlan LaJeunesse%0D%strippedEmail