
Jun 30, 2012
I am about to set up a Windows Server, and owuld prefer to use on of the drive tools listed above, this is because I like the idea of only having certain folders duplicated. It would be great if I could get a good opinion from some people on which one I should use. I want to have two pools at once, 1 for media and 1 for backups and important documents. Like I said I would love some opinions I should use, it would also be great if someone could tell me how the duplication system works, like where the duplicated files go.
Anyway thanks for stopping by.
Drive Pooling is Microsoft technology for creating software RAID arrays, and comes free with recent Windows OSes.

I have never heard about ""Drive Bender", and if you read their web site, it's all glory. There aren't that many reviews for it (here is one), and it will cost you at least $30.

Whatever solution you choose - you need also a backup plan. Remember, RAID (software, hardware, pooling) is storage solution, not a data backup solution.