duron overclock?



well its not smth new when it comes to unlock a duron. well guys i have a duron 950 mhz locked. and i tried to unlock joining the L1 bridges with a pencil but without to see any result.
Also I have a gigabyte 7vtxe+ mobo and i dont know if exist the possibility to change the multiplier to this mobo. Can somebody tell me in this case what to do, how can i unlock the duron and how can i combinate the settings in the mobo or anything else what i can do to have my system overclocked


Mar 10, 2002
Well, first thought that comes to mind is that it may be the type of pencil you used. #2 pencils work the best (more graphite in the lead). Another suggestion would be to use some sort of conductive paint like rear window defogger paint (found in most automotive parts stores). Another thought is that maybe your motherboard does not support overclocking through multiplier changes. Have you tried looking for an FSB (front side bus) setting in the BIOS? That may be the only way to overclock your CPU.

Seeing as I know nothing about your particular mobo, these are just some ideas that came up as I read your post. If you have tried the above suggestions then kindly disregard my post and I'll let someone with experience with your motherboard give their suggestions/tips.

Don't give up! There is always a way to overclock. You just may need to change a different bridge on the CPU to "hardwire" your overclock.


qlm tera'ngan!
(Translated from Klingon: Attention Earther!)


I have duron too and alsow try to unlock it with pincil but nothing happened. So i made myself a very thin tip and solder the L1 bridges with soldering iron. But you should be very carefull no to damage the CPU. By the way I am using A duron with spitfire core and ceramic plate so I don't know if your CPU has an organic plate how it will react if try to solder the L1 bridges. I hope I was usefull to you.