fix asus X205TA laptop black screen


Apr 19, 2015
my Asuse X205TA laptop power light keeps coming on but the screen is absolutely black... before this we tried to get a broken headphone piece out of the audio jack and took the whole bottom off.. I have no clue what to do and what is wrong with my laptop .. help me please
I have the same problem
Except mine hasn't been opened and is only a week old

I shut it down before leaving on vacation and now it doesn't work anymore . No screen but my external hard drive does power up when connected

Can't send it back because I'm on the other side of the planet and I really need the laptop
Same thing happened to me for a new Asus x205ta ordered on Amazon. Worked fine first day, but then would not power on evern after messing around with it for about 1/2 hour. After completing the return request on Amazon on my phone, I turned the X205TA on its side and pressed the power button wile pressing on the bottom of the case under the power button (like a pinch with my thumb and forefinger). For reasons unknown, it powered back up.

I am still sending it back because I think it is something defective witihn this particular unit. I was considering just getting a replacement, until I saw this on Google where others have had this problem.

My partner Purchased this laptop only a couple of months ago. The only solution i have found so far is to do a hard reset. Press the power button and hold it for 10-15 seconds. Watch the power light (Light bulb symbol) on the front of the unit. Once It has turned off proceed to press the power button once more (No need to hold)

Oh and one other thing, i have only done this while the laptop is plugged in. Not sure if it works when just running off battery.

I have also had problems with the charger (My advice for that is persevere and make sure all connections are solid. ESPECIALLY the power block)