I want to sue George Lucas for tampering with the original Star Wars and not releasing a cleaned up classic version on Blue Ray or DVD.
We have laws for the stuff here. But there should be a law against artists. That once art has entered the public domain and mixed with the publics perception....it cannot be meddled with. The basis of this is that George Lucas fame and fortune is based on the imagination he captured in the late 70s with the original verson. That synergy should have some worth and not be allowed to be tampered with. What if Da Vinci came back from the dead and decided to put a mustache on the Mona Lisa...by US law he could do it...but I feel that the synergy that painting has created over the years has value and zombie Da Vinci should not be allowed to change it.
So, dose that mean that Lucas cant fiddle with his original Star Wars. No, not at all...he can put out all the crappy remakes he wants. Just, if he does, he should be compelled to put out a classic version in same format (DVD, Blue-Ray) and similar restoration.
In closing...George...give me a frickin cleaned up classic Star Wars on DVD and Blue Ray.