Patent Troll Sues Entire Wireless Industry

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I wonder why automibile/clothes/food/appliances/furniture manufacturers haven't catch up to this, all of them have the same similarities, purposes and features...oh the possibilities, and the mayhem!
LVL Patent group doesn't have the money to take these people to court. Lets face it, in a court of law in the US its about a war of attrition on things like this. AT&T alone has enough money to keep them tied up for years, much less the others. If it goes to court, they'll loose. They're hoping for a settlement.Then there is the Apple factor.. They'll probably counter sue for something they have a patent on, such as "suing for financial gains or competition blocking, based upon a patent"

these patents might actually be valid, they talk about a specific system, not simply for an act or process of doing something, they actual outlined a system for actually doing it

MS is not part of the suit because it was for a Windows CE based device so MS might actually be covered under a cross licensing agreement, i guess all those unsuccessful smartphones venture (pre iPhone) might have actually paid off for MS
First, doesn't LVL have to prove they tried to negotiate a license in good faith with each defendant? If they just acquired the patents last week, it does not appear that any negotiations could have taken place with all 120 defendants.

This should be thrown out and LVL fined 10 times what they paid for the patents, if not more.
[citation][nom]stingstang[/nom]They can't win. They're messing with a 50+trillion dollar industry. This is the last we'll hear about it.[/citation]

All patents target digital communication features (a "data transaction assembly server", a "telephone/transaction entry device and system for entering transaction data into databases" (x3), as well as a "system for transmission of voice and data over the same communications line") that affect virtually all communications services.

Doesn't specify 'wireless'

Can't Apple just throw their 1983 voice+data phone at 'em and tell 'em to suck it?

Didn't we use dial-up internet for voice+data comms before 1999?

Star Trek sent and received voice+data comms wirelessly. They even transported living bodies wirelessly to and from the ship!

They just can't win.
What a bunch of dumbasses. Do they really think they can outmuscle everyone? They forget, people run the legal system, if you know what I mean.
Inventors: Martino; Rocco L. (Villanova, PA)
Assignee: Cyber Fone Technologies, Inc. (Wayne, PA)

Appl. No.: 08/877,636
Filed: June 20, 1997


Related U.S. Patent Documents


Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date
446546 May., 1995 5805676

it's not patent trolling, look at the filing date.
considering these patents were first filed in may 1995 and not granted until 2000, 1998, 1999, 2008.2011 the most recent , i can not fault the suit.
this is a guy who has been trying to patent these things for well over 16 years on some of them and has taken as little as 3 years to get the first one patented.
if filing for patent in 1995 and not recieving the last patent until 2011 is patent suit trolling.

the toms' author's inciting such rage over the obvious is deplorable and unwarranted as not every one is born with the millions of dollars in legal costs it takes to enforce a patent these days.
just ask the RIAA and MPAA.
f-14 is right. I suggest everyone view the movie "Flash Of Genius" about the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper and had it stolen by the big auto makers.
I don't know what else to say....
just wow!

Aren't they worried about all of the counter suits that could happen?

This just in a company is sueing every company in the world because it owns the patent on being a company.
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