Google Chrome cant remeber password on fb


Aug 19, 2013
Hey guys, in advance sorry for my bad English, Im from Croatia. Anyway i have a bit problem with google chrome, he cant remember my password and user name on facebook, when with other pages there is NO problem, I mean he offer me to save pass and user name except FB. In settings on chrome i didnt nothing, I mean the setting are by defults. This problem is bugginf me for 3 weeks and i cannot solve the problem, please help me..
Hey guys I finally figured out why google chrome canˇ t offer me to save user name and password on FB because Identity verified, in every site who has that google chrome can't remember, is there a options how to disable that, i cant find that in settings. Anyway I took a snapshot to identity verfifed to see what I m talking about. In other browesers like mozilla are no isues, I mean he offers me to save password on FB. But mozilla is (for me) very slow and I luve chrome :)



Nothing, I answerd kenrives already like this: Sorry, not working, i did this yesterday and swipe with Ccleaner and nothing!