Headphones under 250$


Sep 15, 2017

I'm looking for a new headphones, my uses are 40% music, 40% gaming, 20% movies and etc.

I'm a musician so i hear alot types of music, from Metal, rap, hip hop songs to acoustic soft songs.

I play games like Counter strike and PUBG who need to hear footsteps from a fairly large distance.

I am going to plug in a MODMIC 4.0 Omni-Directional microphone so that if the headphones are open I hope no noise will be leaked to the microphone.

Thank you so much, i hope that i covered everything. sorry about my english, it's not my native lang.

have a good day :)
I really dont think you want a pair of 7.1 headphones for music. And they said they are going to use a mod mic so I am assuming they want a good pair of studio headphones.

OP are you planning to use an external amp and DAC? Or the motherboards onboard sound card? Any preference of open back or closed?

That's what i thought, not a big fan of 7.1 and the mic sound isn't that great, although alot of the pro players use them or maybe just because of the spons ^^.

No, i'm not going to use any external devices. just very very basic setup with my motherboard( realtek HD i guess).

Like i said, i know that open back are good for a long sessions with the headphones on, but i really need that no audio will leak out to my mic, and i don't want to hear too much background noise when i'm playing or listening to music.

:) thanks for the fast replies.

Well in that price range you have quite a lot of options. I really like the shure srh840's, haven't spent a whole lot of time with them but they were excellent from what I remember. Very balanced and clean sound and good sound stage for a closed back so that might help in games.

The beyerdynamic dt 770 pro 32 ohm are also highly recommended. Never tried them myself, but from reviews I have read they also sound great but are known for a pretty punchy low end whereas the shures are a bit more balanced.

The Audio Technica ATH M50x's. These are pretty popular. I owned themfor a while. They are good but don't really suit me personally, I thought the high's were too sharp at times and the bass tended to overwhelm the mids. However there are plenty that disagree with me on that.

Sound is very subjective, so take my recommendations with a grain of salt. I find headphones to be very hard to decide what I want to spend my money on.

I would stick with headphones under 50 ohms since you are using onboard sound. That said I use a pair of 50 ohm sennhesier HD558s and tthey barely get loud enough at max volume with the headphone amp in my ASUS Z270F Strix.

I'm pretty sure that they are decent for gaming, and the mic has a very good quality from what i heard, but i'm so afraid of gaming headsets because i don't really know if they do well on music.

Btw, when you hear music or ingame , do other people sometimes can hear what you are hearing, there is a leaks?

Any other suggestions?

You really got my eyes towards the srh840. What do you think about his durability? people said that they broke pretty fast...?

I'm reading the reviews right now, the thing is about headphones that you can easily get confused..very hard to make a choice 😀
Nothing stood out to me as particularly fragile when I used them, but I have never owned them so I wont comment on long term reliability. Generally shure build quality tends to be pretty good for headphones. I don't see an overwhelming number of customer reviews complaining about them breaking, you will likely find some of those for any headphone, so I wouldn't worry unless you see quite a lot of complaints.

And yes I go mad looking at headphone reviews, I find choosing any particular set of headphones too be quite hard. Like I said lot's of choice in that price range, certainly far beyond just the three I recommended.

Do you have an opinion about the DT990 pro 250Ohm? i can get them at 189$+ modmic, that's insanse. but i'm not sure how are they.. and i have no clue what the ohm's meaning 😱
The ohm rating is for impedance, basically the higher that number the harder the headphone is to drive.

That is a good deal and those are great headphones. However I doubt you will be able to power 250 ohm headphones properly with your motherboards sound card, they likely wont get loud enough. If you want to go with anything past 50 ohms I would recommend an external amp/DAC, you can pick up a good one for about 70 dollars. Or at the very least a sound card with a decent headphone amp.

It's so difficult. i was sure that i'm going for that deal, but now people saying there is no enough bass, soundstage isn't great and etc.

I'm really confused, everytime that i think i've got a decision about which headphones to buy, I see cons that really bothers me.

Very hard to find a good headphones with good soundstage and good overall music performence.

Meanwhile, this is what i came across to;

DT770 32omh
DT990 250omh which will do abad job if i can't buy amp.
shure SRH840
ATH M40/50x
MDR v6
AKG 553
Audio Technica ATH-AD700X

and more..so much and i don't know which one will give for me the best results for my preferences.
Question from darkonerxd77 : "Massdrop x AKG K7XX"

Can someone give a me personal review about them?

I'm looking for a headphones around 200$, for Music, gaming and movies etc uses.
I'm playing alot of games which i need to hear steps from long distance.

I'm listening to almost every genre, from Metal to acoustic; rap hip hop etc.

To the headphones i will plug a Modmic Omni 4.0, will they catch any leaked audio from the headphones?

Thanks alot, sorry for repost.