I just used Easeus data recovery program to recover (attempt) some ISO files (DVDs) from a 3tb internal drive. The drive was accidentally reformatted but all the files are still there. I imagine the information on where each .iso file begins and ends is now missing so when the easeus program recovered the files it did so as ONE LARGE ISO that was "broken" into <4gb chunks. All under the name of the first .iso file it encountered which was a danteinferno.iso. Not only this but it presents them to me as RAR files which contain the .iso inside. unfortunately the .iso file inside cannot be extracted because it is "broken" as it was recovered as if it was a piece of a large .iso. So now I have a bunch of RAR files that contain .iso data that I want but they are all trapped and share the same name as "broken" files. Is there anyway I can recover these ISO files from this state? Or can anyone reccomend a program that actually detects ISO files and will recover them as raw data without being all under one name or inside of a RAR file?
Update 3:10 pm - 3/29/16
Believe it or not I got one of the RAR files (With the "broken" .iso in it) to get turned into an actual .ISO using Magic ISO maker. The result was an .iso that I can actually play using VLC. However, it's not perfect there is no menu, the file doesn't play perfectly until the middle of the play bar is selected, and the audio is messed up in areas (like electric blurps), then it's multiple video files from different DVDs merged into one. I had starcom playing back in some areas, then peach girl.
So basically the recovery software is doing what I said and recovering all the ISO data off the hard drive with no rules to keep it all in order. So it's all going to be scrambled ISO eggs with multiple splices of video from different dvds rendered as a broken iso file inside of a rar file. This is all due to easeus not recognizing iso files and also the fact that after reformat there is no "start & end" data to associate with the fragmented chunks of ISO files on the hard drive.
So basically unless someone can recommend a better recovery software that will actally read isos, or some other method of recovering them myself...I might just have to take this in to a data recovery specialist (100-300$ I don't have to spend)
Update 3:10 pm - 3/29/16
Believe it or not I got one of the RAR files (With the "broken" .iso in it) to get turned into an actual .ISO using Magic ISO maker. The result was an .iso that I can actually play using VLC. However, it's not perfect there is no menu, the file doesn't play perfectly until the middle of the play bar is selected, and the audio is messed up in areas (like electric blurps), then it's multiple video files from different DVDs merged into one. I had starcom playing back in some areas, then peach girl.
So basically the recovery software is doing what I said and recovering all the ISO data off the hard drive with no rules to keep it all in order. So it's all going to be scrambled ISO eggs with multiple splices of video from different dvds rendered as a broken iso file inside of a rar file. This is all due to easeus not recognizing iso files and also the fact that after reformat there is no "start & end" data to associate with the fragmented chunks of ISO files on the hard drive.
So basically unless someone can recommend a better recovery software that will actally read isos, or some other method of recovering them myself...I might just have to take this in to a data recovery specialist (100-300$ I don't have to spend)