Solved! Help with buying new TV

Jun 11, 2018
Hello, so I am looking to get a new 4K Smart TV but not sure how much I should spend. I'm looking to get a 55-65 inch screen and would like something that feels responsive when using the smart features like apps. I was planning on spending around 500-1000 maybe a little more. Do you think I could get what I want for that price range? And what would the picture quality be compared to something that's priced higher like 2000 and above?


Premium priced TVs do have a better picture.
Whether that difference is worth it is up to you. OLED TVs have the best picture quality imo but QLED TVs are brighter and do a bit better with HDR because of that.
I agree that using an external streamer is superior to depending on the TV manufacturers. Roku and Android TVs should be the same as getting the external version. You won't be able to buy a dumb TV in your price range so just don't let it be the deciding factor.
would get a TV with extended warranty

panels are very alike

get into a store and have a look at all the TVs. The higher the price the more features the TV will have. Like better processor, quicker response of menus,...The picture quality is very much depending on your personal feeling of colors and motion. Between 1000 and 2000 the picture quality is not really different. The overall quality is better and might have a longer lifetime.
Always been my opinion, buy dumb TV, get your smarts from somewhere else. (1)TV processors tend to be low powered (affects interface speed/smoothness), (2)Apps on external boxes like Roku/AppleTV are routinely kept updated, not so much for TVs built-in. (3)Roku/AppleTV have developed Apps store, just like ur smartphone now.

Am biased toward buying "separates" technology. Parts of the "system" I don't like/needs updating, I swap it out, without having to replace the whole$$ dang thing.


Whatever you go with get one with native 120hz refresh rate. If it says anything in front of 120hz other than native, like Motionflow 120, etc. then it is not native and is upscaled 60hz and will suck for fast action like sports.
Premium priced TVs do have a better picture.
Whether that difference is worth it is up to you. OLED TVs have the best picture quality imo but QLED TVs are brighter and do a bit better with HDR because of that.
I agree that using an external streamer is superior to depending on the TV manufacturers. Roku and Android TVs should be the same as getting the external version. You won't be able to buy a dumb TV in your price range so just don't let it be the deciding factor.

Agree. Even cheapo TVs these days have *some* so called smarts on them. Just between two models, if everything else being equal and they want another $250 for the smart features, don't give them your money, spend it on an external box.