High temperatures on new i7 6700HQ laptop


Aug 27, 2014
Hi my laptop isnt even a week old but I am seeing temps of around 90 degrees celsius when gaming (sniper elite 3) my settings is on medium. The highest temp I got was 92 and on idling I get about 34-41 degrees celsius is this normal? My GPU is running at about 78 degrees celsius on gaming and I think thats about right but I am worried about my CPU.

My laptop specs are :
Core i7 6700HQ
geforce GTX 950M

I would just like to add that I played another game and my CPU hit 97 degrees celsius and GPU hit 90 degrees Celsius.

My laptop is an ASUS FX550V thanks in advance.

Neither, really. It's not 'bad; in the sense you're not hitting the TJunction. It's not 'good' necessarily either, as you're pretty darn close in some situations.

Mobile chips generally run/can run a little warmer than their desktop counterparts due to the limited cooling solutions available, but your temps are definitely on the high side of where I'd feel comfortable. Pushing up near the TJunction while stress-testing is one thing (as that's a synthetic load and you're unlikely to be pushing it that hard often, or even at all). If you're just 'regular' gaming...
Totally overheating!
Clean your laptop and use it on flat surface (wood, like table), never used it on lap or blanket, in bed because it cannot properly cool itself!!!
Question from chrisswart1489 : "High temperatures on new i7 6700HQ laptop"

Laptops are notorious for overheating/throttling (some more than others, of course).

Where are you using it? Like salerhino mentioned, anything other than a flat surface, allowing it to breathe can result in overheating pretty quickly.

A cooling pad might be a worthwhile investment.

I am using it on a wooden desk with a desk fan providing more air actually and also considering the coling pad.

I am using it on a desk so yeah but it is brand new so there is no dust what so ever.
Probably cooler is not on it nicely or they forgot thermal paste?
I don't know really, if you have guarantee, RMA it !!
Don't use it anymore man, it will damage!
Again, laptops are notorious for overheating - and looking up that specific model, it appears some others have had high temps too.

I doubt there's a 'forgotten thermal paste' issue, but it could be an inadequate cooling solution.

If you're worried, or it's throttling (and it probably is at those temps) - you could always RMA it, or return it & buy something els.e

the thing I do not get is that I gamed again and could not see any throttling and when I gamed again I checked the temps again and my gpu did not hit 80 once and my cpu was at like 87-89. this confuses me.

also another thing if I continue like this will the cpu be harmed in any way? I am actually going to use the laptop for studies so I do not want to harm the CPU.
The issue with laptops is trying to keep them cool during gaming.

I would recommend buying a laptop cooling pad, which raises the laptop from the surface, giving it better ventilation and fans to improve the airflow into the laptops in-take.

The 80C mark is quite normal, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with anything above that; personally. Laptop cooling pads are relatively cheap and are powered via USB, but do improve the situation.

Hope this helps !

Neither, really. It's not 'bad; in the sense you're not hitting the TJunction. It's not 'good' necessarily either, as you're pretty darn close in some situations.

Mobile chips generally run/can run a little warmer than their desktop counterparts due to the limited cooling solutions available, but your temps are definitely on the high side of where I'd feel comfortable. Pushing up near the TJunction while stress-testing is one thing (as that's a synthetic load and you're unlikely to be pushing it that hard often, or even at all). If you're just 'regular' gaming and you're getting real close, that isn't a good sign.

Cooling pad should help somewhat..... and you'll need to keep up with regular cleaning. Even a (relatively) small amount of dust build-up in your exhaust fans could push you into throttling territory.
under 80 degrees the tempratures are completly normal but if you go around 90 degrees will gaming it means it has some problemes with air circulation i have a laptop with bearly the same component as you but i have a 960m and when im not gaming im around 34 degrees and will gaming 70 degrees maximum and i have my computer for a year now , im also using a cooling pad