How is the Moto G?


Jun 16, 2013
tired of my glitchy POS Galaxy Centura on straight talk, only 512mb ram, single core 800mhz cpu... The Moto G is HD screen and a quad core and unlocked.

OR Verizon has the Moto G on their Prepaid for only $99....or they have Iphone 4 (non S) for $99 as well, but I've never had an Iphone.

Or if anybody else has a suggestion for $200 or under that would work on prepaid that would be nice as well. T mobile I thought of getting, they let you pay off good phones like the Galaxy S3 or S4 off in monthly payments on their prepaid plan, but, they only have 2g speed here....pointless having a good phone like that and only slow 2g data.

I've never dealt with an unlocked phone before...The Moto G isn't technically 4g but the highest 3g will go (which is fine for me) , so I'm not sure which ATT sim card to get for it if I do get it and use it on prepaid, I'll never go contract for various reasons.

ATT has the cheap dual core windows 8 phone Nokia Lumia 520 which I heard is alright and only about $70...but I heard W8 phones are pretty lacking in apps,etc. But pretty snappy since the OS isn't taxing and bloated like how I've read Android became somewhat thus requiring a more beefy cpu to be as snappy on a droid.

Thx for any help. I'm pretty good with actual computers, but have been out of the cell phone scene for years, this Galaxy Centura was my first ever "smartphone", I think I'm done with straight talk.
First let me complement you on your computer build I can tell it was built with lots of thought and research put into it.

OK now first off the moto G is fantastic! I own it and can say it has about as much lag as the s4 which is to say only a tiny bit here and there and its hard to notice. The only bad thing about the phone is the 1gb of RAM. It makes you reload web pages when you have multiple tabs going but its really not that big of a deal.

For carriers to go with your phone, check out AIO Wireless. They are owned by AT&T and use their full network including 4g but you wouldn't get 4g with the moto g. I pay $45 a month after the $5 auto pay discount and get unlimited talk and text and 2.5GB of high speed data then unlimited 2g after that. To set up an unlocked phone there all you have to do is go into settings, and find APN (somewhere under wireless connections/wireless settings its different with each phone) and enter the exact settings found on AIOs website.

Now back to the other phones you mentioned, I had a cheap Nokia like the one you described and while it worked most of the time you ended up so limited by windows phone that I would try to use it as little as possible. That said I am deeply rooted in Google so if you either don't mind switching to Microsoft or already use their services it might work out ok. And about it being smooth it wasn't very smooth. Wasn't bad either just the moto g is better.

The iPhone is pretty nice but its also quite old. If you could get an iPhone 5 or newer I could recommend it but I understand your budget and completely agree. So I wouldn't recommend an iPhone 4

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask
My wife have the Moto G and she loves it, it's really responsive and runs everything she throws at it, although in all fairness, the most demanding thing she does is playing Candy Crush and Jetpack Joyride, if you're not a heavy power user, this phone has nothing to envy to the flagships out there...
Thanks for the replies, I just got around to responding, been sorta sick.

The Moto G seems like a hell of a phone considering the specs. I looked it up and the regular iphone 4 only has a single core cpu, it might end up being as good or a sidegrade from my current single core Galaxy Centura prepaid android.

I was checking out Aio wireless, they seem good. I last had ATT prepaid in 2011 and the coverage was sort of spotty in my rural area, I looked on their map and was really surprised to see that now my whole town has 4G coverage, they seem to have improved alot from the last time I got them, but I have never experienced anywhere where I didn't have signal using Verizon towers in my area, my current Android uses Verizon towers.

I was reading and only being a single core, the iphone 4 has been crippled by the latest ios updates. I suppose I could save up for a new iphone but I don't see where all that extra money spent over the $99 Moto G would be worth it

Only thing I don't like is the Moto G doesn't take an SD card
Unless you have a large music library or want to download a lot of movies or games you don't really need an SD card. Its nice to have that capability just in case you use it but for me personally I've never found the need.

And yeah the moto G is pretty much the best phone for the money imo
The moto g is fantastic for what it offers,I own a moto g and its amazing for its money.The only bad is that it does not have an sd card slot and features a non user-removable battery
Just to give you an example,I was going to buy the galaxy core before, which costs 10 euros more in my country(189vs199) and heres the comparison:

Moto G vs Galaxy Core
As you can see the moto g is clearly better at almost everything yet it is cheaper.(and it does not feel cheap)
Plus Motorola has NOT really messed up with android so you get an almost pure experience(like in nexus devices).
I actually went with the Iphone 4 16gb with Verizon prepaid, wanted to try an iphone out after all these years, and I must say although being old I'm very impressed with the build quality, metal and glass, it has never frozen up like my old android did. Facebook is a little slow to load sometimes but everything else is fast.

I asked around from friends and they told me ATT signal in my town is still spotty, I don't want to spend all that money on the Moto G (or any phone for that matter) and it end up not having signal. Like I said earlier, I have literally NEVER been somewhere a Verizon phone didn't have signal. ATT here loses signal in the middle of town, and also certainly outside the city limits, Verizon here doesn't have that problem at all.

I only dislike the measly 500mb data limit of Verizon. I considered getting that cheap ZTE Sonata on AIO wireless to see how ATT signal fares here first hand, it seems decent, 1.4ghz dual core android 4.1.2 jellybean, 1gb ram, and an SD card slot. I find it weird that cheap phones get an SD card slot but yet the Moto G and more expensive phones don't have one >_>

Reviews seemed to knock the ZTE Sonata's camera quality(which is better than my old phone....and also double the resolution and 4" screen) but honestly I was happy with my old android galaxy centura if it just wouldn't hard freeze up constantly and lag

The moto g specifically was created when Google owned motorolla mobility,and as with the other Google devices(nexus devices) it tries to promote Google Drive(by also giving you 50GB free for 2 years,if activated the first 30 days,and the standard 15GB,thus 65GB).As for other high end(non google devices) I dont really have an explanation as to why they do that,maybe they are working with Google or maybe they are trying to make more profit.(or something else entirely)