I can't believe...

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David Morgan (MAMS) wrote:
> "Arny Krueger" <arnyk@hotpop.com> wrote in message...
>>BTW, am I the only person here who notices the fact that
>>we're dealing with a situation involving a predominately
>>black city and a state with errr, a race-rights history?
> Actually... I notice that you're addressing almost everything
> but the main issue.

He has a lot of practice it this. Go back and look at all his pathetic
abx "arguments". Eerily similar.


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David Morgan (MAMS) wrote:

> You are making a complete fool of yourself, Arny. Stop avoiding
> the issues and trying to defend gross negligence on the part of
> the federal government. GO MAKE SOME MUSIC or do things
> that have value.

Huh? Arny has never "made music". His specialty is "testing".


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hank alrich wrote:
> Kurt Riemann <> wrote:
>>You know what most normal people respond to when they do a shitty job?
>>The threat of being fired. Show me anyone that Bush has appointed that
>>got fired for doing a shitty job. He doesn't do it and therefore
>>nobody has any incentive to do things well. Or to even be qualified,
> He has no way to tell if the people he chooses for his team do well or
> not. He has no history of competency.

You've got it backwards, Hank. The PNAC team chose _him_
because of the redneck fundamentalist Christian appeal they
figured they could create around him and his obvious idiocy.

Seeing someone at their level moving toward the top elective
office made that constituency feel smarter and more
competent. It was clever, make that brilliant, of Rove to
realize that there was a whole lot of untapped stupidity out
there and to so thoroughly exploit it.

I just hope that constituency is now rethinking the value of
smarts at the top.


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein


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Arny Krueger wrote:

> I might speculate that once the proverbial substance hit the
> proverbial fan, the mayor and his political allies went into
> overdrive to raise a smokescreen to cover up his
> questionable actions by blaming the Federal government.

You have certainly found your scapegoat. An overwhelmed
untrained man in the middle of a catastrophe. Good call.
Just glad your opinion is nearly unique and that the poor
man will probably never have to hear it.

BTW how many mayors along the devastated coast called out
their bus drivers to take local people out of harms way?


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein


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Arny Krueger wrote:

> Why is it that I'm the only one posting info critical of
> their roles?

D'oh! Get a clue.


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein


Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

>>>> I just hope that constituency is now rethinking the value of smarts at the top.<<<<<<<<<



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On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:06:17 -0400, "Arny Krueger" <arnyk@hotpop.com>

>It's hard to reason with people who have an unreasoning
>hatred for our current administration.

And, of course, the converse.

>If there was something meaningful I could do to help, I'd do

Absolutely. As would we all. And, as positive, forward-
thinking, alpha males all any of us wants is to
eviscerate the guilty and move immediately forward.

Maybe wait around a minute or two to stomp the
guilty party's intestines into the mud. But not
a minute longer.

That's meaningful to me. It's an attitude that's
gotten us where we are today, so it's tough to

Not, in any way, kidding,

Chris Hornbeck


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On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 08:06:17 -0400, Arny Krueger wrote:

> It's hard to reason with people who have an unreasoning hatred for our
> current administration.

The same might be said about those with blind, lemming-like loyalty to it.


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Bob Cain wrote:
> Arny Krueger wrote:
>> I might speculate that once the proverbial substance hit the
>> proverbial fan, the mayor and his political allies went into overdrive
>> to raise a smokescreen to cover up his questionable actions by blaming
>> the Federal government.
> You have certainly found your scapegoat. An overwhelmed untrained man
> in the middle of a catastrophe. Good call. Just glad your opinion is
> nearly unique and that the poor man will probably never have to hear it.
> BTW how many mayors along the devastated coast called out their bus
> drivers to take local people out of harms way?
> Bob

I bought that up with no response.

This should really be a wake-up call to anyone mistakenly thinking they
are gaining any useful audio knowledge from this tool.

Take a look at his audio OPINION. It follows this same line of
"reasoning" exactly. The "conclusions" that he comes up with follow a
very simplistic direct line approach, and once he assumes this
conclusion all roads lead directly there. I've seen it over and over
again, ad nauseam.

This wouldn't be so bothersome, except that most of his time here is a
constant nagging at anyone that dare disagree with any of his
conclusions. This isn't conversation, it is just a big drag.

He must be very proud.


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Bob Cain wrote:

> Arny Krueger wrote:
>> Why is it that I'm the only one posting info critical of their roles?
> D'oh! Get a clue.

Hahahaha! Is there such a thing as a moronasaurus? Would be apt.


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On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:46:41 -0500, Jebabical <jb@nospam.com> wrote:

>Is there such a thing as a moronasaurus?

I think Manley used to make one.

Kurt Riemann
Adjusting my meds daily.


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Arny Krueger wrote:
> "Bob Cain" <arcane@arcanemethods.com> wrote in message
> news:dfj1i61i8b@enews2.newsguy.com
>>Pooh Bear wrote:
>>>Who was it who said " the buck stops here " ?
>>I think it was some obscure Democrat.
> Harry S. Truman - a president who looks better and better as
> history passes.

There's hope for you, Arny. :)


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein


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David Morgan wrote:

> "Glenn Dowdy" wrote...
> > President Bush declared a state of emergency in La on Saturday, 8/27
> > http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/08/20050827-1.html
> >
> > "Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its
> > discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of
> > the emergency. Debris removal and emergency protective measures, including
> > direct Federal assistance, will be provided at 75 percent Federal funding."
> So we ask again... WHY was nothing done, and at whos "discretion" ?

I heared from Arny it's the mayor's fault for not getting the National
Guard back from Iraq in time to help.



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"Jebabical" <jb@nospam.com> wrote in message

> I bought that up with no response.

Thanks because I was asked to ignore trolls.


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In article <1126091736.530318.184620@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
"WillStG" <willstg@aol.com> wrote:

> In my judgement what the American people will *not* forgive is
> anyone trying to gain politically from the disaster.



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In article <1126094466.813883.67620@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
"WillStG" <willstg@aol.com> wrote:

> I said this is not the time for pointing fingers



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Hey, when I was saying that the majority of America was stupid, I got a lot
of grief for it. Still, one only need to watch Fox News once in a while to
prove my point.


Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio

"Bob Cain" <arcane@arcanemethods.com> wrote in message
> hank alrich wrote:
> > Kurt Riemann <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>You know what most normal people respond to when they do a shitty job?
> >>The threat of being fired. Show me anyone that Bush has appointed that
> >>got fired for doing a shitty job. He doesn't do it and therefore
> >>nobody has any incentive to do things well. Or to even be qualified,
> >>apparently.
> >
> >
> > He has no way to tell if the people he chooses for his team do well or
> > not. He has no history of competency.
> You've got it backwards, Hank. The PNAC team chose _him_
> because of the redneck fundamentalist Christian appeal they
> figured they could create around him and his obvious idiocy.
> Seeing someone at their level moving toward the top elective
> office made that constituency feel smarter and more
> competent. It was clever, make that brilliant, of Rove to
> realize that there was a whole lot of untapped stupidity out
> there and to so thoroughly exploit it.
> I just hope that constituency is now rethinking the value of
> smarts at the top.
> Bob
> --
> "Things should be described as simply as possible, but no
> simpler."
> A. Einstein


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In article <1126091736.530318.184620@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
WillStG <willstg@aol.com> wrote:

> You have to realize Kurt, politicizing a disaster makes you
> look opportunistic, lacking in basic human decency, and like you don't
> really care about people.

So I take it you are appalled as I am regarding the GOP's, Rove's and
Chimpboy's use of the 3,000 dead 9/11 victims to engineer a coup of
this country.


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A sentiment I've often stated, both here and on my blog (with better details
on the blog).


Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio

"Guitarboy" <Guitarboy@stringalong.com> wrote in message
> In article <1126091736.530318.184620@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
> WillStG <willstg@aol.com> wrote:
> > You have to realize Kurt, politicizing a disaster makes you
> > look opportunistic, lacking in basic human decency, and like you don't
> > really care about people.
> So I take it you are appalled as I am regarding the GOP's, Rove's and
> Chimpboy's use of the 3,000 dead 9/11 victims to engineer a coup of
> this country.


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No matter how many things come up in the world, Monty Python certain seemed
to point out the absurdities, didn't they! <g>


Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio

"Bill Van Dyk" <trash@christian-horizons.org> wrote in message
> How odd. I'm trying to picture Bill Clinton with that cigar saying,
> "now is not the time to be pointing the fingers and assigning blame..."
> Nah. I keep shifting to Monty Python and the Holy Grail: John Cleese,
> having slaughtered half the members of a wedding party, being escorted
> around the blood-soaked room by Michael Palin trying to calm everyone by
> saying, "now, let's not bicker and argue about who killed who....."
> WillStG wrote:
> > Kurt Riemann wrote:
> >
> > I am not alone in this opinion either, today President Clinton
> > said the same thing, that this is not the time to be pointing the
> > finger and assigning blame, there will be plenty of time for that
> > later.
> >