What resolution are you using? That's a very basic GPU, roughly on the level of an R7 250 or a GT 740 on the desktop. It ought to only be playable at 768p and lower resolution.
Glad to see this merge! It's frustrating when someone asks a question, gives vague details, and then only gives more details in a completely new thread.
if you want to game, it wont work on all models though and you may need extra psu connectors and break your back panel of laptop to get connector to wifi slot
if you want to game, it wont work on all models though and you may need extra psu connectors and break your back panel of laptop to get connector to wifi slot
Then egpu would be useless and bottlenecked hard. thanks for clarifying that rgd1101. I dealt with so many old laptops with changable cpu:s that i always forget they solder them nowdays, too bad