I need help with this question, i've been at it for hours now.
The goal of this project is to create a class that will calculate the student grade for CSC 171. The users of the application will provide the program with their current points received and current total points possible for each of the categories listed in the syllabus. The program will then calculate the course percentage given these parameters, and assign a letter grade based on the standard letter grade system...... a while loop must be included.
syllabus reference;
lab 10%
Weekly Assignments 10%
Projects 40%
Exams 40%
needs a print menu, pause menu.
professor says its meant to look like this:
-------------------- Current Settings --------------------
Homework, Labs, Quizzes: 0 out of 0 points
Projects: 0 out of 0 points
Midterms: 0 out of 0 points
Final: 0 out of 0 points
------------------------ Main Menu -----------------------
1) Enter points for Homework, Labs, Quizzes
2) Enter points for Projects
3) Enter points for Midterms
4) Enter points for Final
5) Display current course percentage and letter grade
6) Quit program
Enter choice>
The goal of this project is to create a class that will calculate the student grade for CSC 171. The users of the application will provide the program with their current points received and current total points possible for each of the categories listed in the syllabus. The program will then calculate the course percentage given these parameters, and assign a letter grade based on the standard letter grade system...... a while loop must be included.
syllabus reference;
lab 10%
Weekly Assignments 10%
Projects 40%
Exams 40%
needs a print menu, pause menu.
professor says its meant to look like this:
-------------------- Current Settings --------------------
Homework, Labs, Quizzes: 0 out of 0 points
Projects: 0 out of 0 points
Midterms: 0 out of 0 points
Final: 0 out of 0 points
------------------------ Main Menu -----------------------
1) Enter points for Homework, Labs, Quizzes
2) Enter points for Projects
3) Enter points for Midterms
4) Enter points for Final
5) Display current course percentage and letter grade
6) Quit program
Enter choice>