Is McAfee even necessary anymore?


Oct 4, 2010
I'm having issues with my McAfee blocking video games and yahoo links that I know are safe - and I've found myself wondering if I even need it anymore?

I already have Malwarebytes, a firewall via my router, as well as the windows firewall. And I don't connect to anything risky from this computer ( to my knowledge ). And I can't remember the last time McAfee did anything except block safe connections.

Personally I only use anti-virus software that I can choose to Manually scan, because the best defense against a virus is really the user itself.
I have never had any malware problems, and I have never actively used anti-virus. Heck I rarely even do a manual scan!

As long as you aren't visiting shady websites, or clicking strange social media links, downloading illegal software ect. You would be fine with running a manual scan once in a while, and simply keeping a watchful eye on where you click your mouse.

Hi Lyphe,

I use to have McAfee preinstalled on a laptop maybe 5 or 6 yrs ago. hehe long time. I did wander around asking what happen to McAfee or Norton? Now I have a Asus g75. It has AVG AntiVirus free edition, download from

From what I see, you have them run to what they do for your pc. You'll may have to change or add a request to the windows firewall program to let it know not to block your yahoo links, video games and etc. It is a common issue for people to run into(windows firewall).

I googled something that may be help to decide which to keep or get for a good protection
The title of the link is "The Best Security Suites for 2014",2817,2369749,00.asp

like i said the microsoft security ess. is real time and dont interfear i started useing it way back with vista and still use it today on 7 and its not bloted as the ones you buy and its free but i guess it is built into windows 8 .. sorry for giving you the wrong link above