ITunes volume not as high as it should be.

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Sep 15, 2010
I was just messing with my speakers and I realised, when playing a CD through them, they're louder than when I'm playing music through iTunes.
So I decided to open the exact same MP3 with VLC.
VLC almost doubles the volume of iTunes.
Even when I tried putting the Preamp up to max (I know it's not good for quality but meh) it still couldn't match VLCs volume (Which was at 100%, same as iTunes).
I checked sound check was off in the iTunes preferences, I checked the Windows Sound Mixer volume was full for all programs, I made sure Skype was closed (sometimes it turns down my iTunes volume).
I have just run out of ideas and this is really frustrating me, I like my music loud, but I want to use iTunes, not VLC to play music.

Anyone that can help, thanks in advance 😀
But as I said, my VLC was set to 100%. Not 200%. (By the way, if you scroll upwards with your mouse, VLC goes to 400%)
So when iTunes and VLC are both set to 100%, why is VLC SO much louder?
No. I don't use itune. But I do notice a difference in volume for my music between window media player, CCCP MPC and VLC. The biggest difference is window media player and it is because it has all of those fancy equaliser, normalisation, quite mode and sound optimisation in window media player. I suggest you want to start looking those settings in itune.

By the way, how can your VLC go up to 400%? I can only go up to 200%.

Doesn't the sound gets distorted and cackle if you make it too high?

I never like my music too loud because mp3 are lossy codec and I can pick up those distortion and imperfection in quality when I turn the volume too high. I can't even stand the distortion at 120% and at 100% volume, sometimes it is too loud and hurt my ear. Usually I listen at 65% volume with circumaural headphone.
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