I am building a computer "in a desk" mod and I want to incorporate Kinter(brand name) MA170(model#) 12v 2a 2ch mini amplifiers (x4) into my build. They take a 2.5/5.5mm barrel type plug to power them with a non supplied power supply. I don't really want to buy and use 4 separate power supplies to power them all if its possible to power them from my computers PSU. If it's even possible, I could make my own cables with the barrel type plug on one end and whichever type plug I need for the other end. I asked about this in an earlier thread but only received one response which was that 8 combined amps through a molex would not be recommended. Would a different connection work and would they each need to be single wired to the psu? Any thoughts. ideas, or suggestions would be highly appreciated