My laptop model is an N3530; came with a T2250 but I bought a T2600 from ebay for around $300 back then and replace it with ( and use the T2250 to power my desktop on the Aopen board, running @ 3.0+ghz now and it is smoking + low energy usage + super cool running). It has an X1400 for the GPU, Sata password protected 5400rpm 120 gig HDD, and all the other bells and whistles ( DVD+-R, Memory card readers, bluetooth,...etc.) I am using it to play WOW @ its screen max resolution (1440X900) and it is doing great. Don't get me wrong, the graphic power of the X1400 is no where near my desktop's oced X850PE ( and this one is getting old, I need a new video card ), but it does live up to your expectation.
I don't know the exact model of my friend's Lifebook but it came with the new Merom chip, using the 950G for graphic. Everything on his looks a little better than mine ( finger print reader, casing...) except for his sound ( mine has the best sound, even better than HP's ). I don't know if it was because he's running Vista and sound driver Vista is still screwy. Also, I tried WOW on his laptop and it seems somewhat slower than mine; could be because of both Vista and the 950G.
But seriously, if you are shopping for a new laptop, I got a few tips for you from my personal expiriences.
-If you are looking for the absolute best bang for the buck, please do go for whatever cheapest brand you can find.
-If you are looking to buy it for gaming power ( and ignore the battery life, the weight, size which you will have to carry around ) pick the one with the best GPU. My X1400 will play most of the games out right now, but you will have to turn down most of eye candies. Get the X1600 or the Go7600 if you are medium into gaming only and use your laptop for other stuffs. GPU can not be upgraded, so pick the one that suits your need.
-Casing is also not upgradable and Fujitsu has the best, tough, beautiful and high quality. I haven't seen the Tough Book yet, so best is probably over rated 😀
- Screen is not upgradable ( and probably is the deciding factor for the laptop price nowaday ) The Toshiba Qosmio has a very good screen but the Fujitsu's screen will best it by a good margin. I believe Fujitsu also makes screen for Sony laptop too, so you can look at a Sony for comparison. Most people overlook the screen feature, but think about it, it is probably the only thing that you will look at while using your laptop.
- CPU is most likely upradable, so don't worry it about it too much.
- Memory is upgradable and it is cheaper to get it from somewhere else, not from the manufacturer
- HDD is upgradable
- Look for the one that doesn't have the heat vent blowing out on the side of of it, because it is annoying to have your hand heat up while using the laptop with a mouse ( Acers, HP always do this )
-The Fujitsu has no air vents whatsoever on the bottom of the laptop, which is a big plus. Now, you can use it on any surface without worrying about blocking the air flows.