My girlfriend will be going to Africa for the Peace Corps for two years, and she wants to bring a laptop with her. Price range is $200-$300.
First requirement is reliability since repairs will be impossible out there. All she really needs is to be able to manage pictures from her phone and upload them online and to run her blog. She prefers Windows 7 and is skeptical of getting a Chromebook. Also, anything with no fans is a plus because fans generally tend to break over time, especially on laptops (am I correct on this?).
Thanks for the help!
First requirement is reliability since repairs will be impossible out there. All she really needs is to be able to manage pictures from her phone and upload them online and to run her blog. She prefers Windows 7 and is skeptical of getting a Chromebook. Also, anything with no fans is a plus because fans generally tend to break over time, especially on laptops (am I correct on this?).
Thanks for the help!