[citation][nom]beardguy[/nom]It's more about choice than anything. Don't force something on me, I can make my own decision (in this case the decision is made for you if you want to use the Metro App) . And Microsoft has always had this attitude with IE, to go against web standards and do whatever the hell they want. I realize this is a bit different, but to me it's still MS pulling it's old shenanigans with IE again. If you were a web developer or designer you would understand how annoying this is.[/citation]
This give you more choice, where exactly did you miss the bit where it said it also has full install with plugins as well as a non-plugin Metro version.
With IE9 you get one version only that drains all the life from your tablet, this gives you the option to choose.
Of course, there is no description above if you will be able to switch between the 2 versions on the same system the same way you can switch beween Metro GUI and ordinary desktop, because that would be just perfect, if you want to play online flash games switch to the full version and when you just want to post on a forum you flick back to the slim version.
Can we have that please Microsoft, Kthxbye