So I was using my micro SD card on my computer, then turn it off and pulled the SD card out, then put it into another computer. Nothing happened the computer didn't even detect it.
So I pulled it out and then a few seconds later the computer crashes. After restarting I try putting it back in but it does the same thing. Even if I don't pull out the SD card the computer crashes a few minutes after putting it in and it says "attempted to write to read-only memory"
Is there any way to fix it? Or just get the data off the SD card
So I pulled it out and then a few seconds later the computer crashes. After restarting I try putting it back in but it does the same thing. Even if I don't pull out the SD card the computer crashes a few minutes after putting it in and it says "attempted to write to read-only memory"
Is there any way to fix it? Or just get the data off the SD card