D drolds69 Prominent Feb 23, 2017 5 0 510 Mar 7, 2017 #1 will a bad mobo cause windows to not load or go into loop , cpu ram and hdd pass diagnostic test would reseting the CMOS be any help
will a bad mobo cause windows to not load or go into loop , cpu ram and hdd pass diagnostic test would reseting the CMOS be any help
Reynod Splendid Mar 26, 2007 1,758 2 24,115 Mar 8, 2017 #2 Can you be a bit more specific and give us some details on the type of PC it is? Upvote 0 Downvote
D drolds69 Prominent Feb 23, 2017 5 0 510 Mar 8, 2017 #3 its a hp pavilion elite e91081 with core i7 processor Upvote 0 Downvote