[citation][nom]n3aRd3aTh[/nom]You are right indeed, concerning the ActiveX vulnerabilities. But GPOs exploits can still be performed via a virus or spyware. Then again, it's the user's fault for not running an anti-virus (still, I got infected by Virtumonde virus, which mess with GPOs, while running an up-to-date free Antiviri and SpyBot), and any other GPOs can be affected that way (like disabling regedit), you're right. It's just that those GPOs expending to the browser ones can expend the damage, are not necessary and could be avoided by making it independant. There is absolutly no reason for it to be that way unless your in a controlled business network. And I'm not a web developper, but I'm pretty sure dariushro is right about IE slowing down web developpement, but that is another matter.[/citation]
While I don't have a problem with making it independent, I don't really think there is that much of a need. The computer illiterate will always need their applications served to them on a silver platter, IE is installed with Windows for this purpose. Those who are power users will utilize whatever they so please and will, if smart enough, take the appropriate measures to ensure security, whether they are using IE, Firefox, or whatever. If anything making it independent would compromise a computer illiterate's computer. I would never put it past the stupid to accidentally uninstall their web browser. Granted they could just have a tech reinstall the web browser, but you know that complaints will arise. You said it yourself, people need to implement AV to protect themselves from harm and that is the only way, making it independent will not be enough to protect IE from harm. Viruses will find ways to get around obstacles. Virus protection is an ongoing battle and the only way to fight it is to stay up to date with definitions. That's just the simple reality of the situation. Nothing anybody can do about it.
As far as IE slowing web development, perhaps, but other web browsers, not having as much influence, are forced to better their product, so that they can get a bigger piece of the pie. Having one on top will always force those behind to get better and will keep the one on top continually striving to remain on top, this is competition.