My Desire 510 SD card problems.


Sep 23, 2016
My Desire 510 SD 30Gig card is invisible to my phone. The mount card function does nothing. It is "read only" to my computer. Neither one can format the card. The computer can copy files off the card, but cannot delete, rename, or move.
Is this, perhaps, because I failed to have the phone un-mount the SD card before removing it? How to fix?

Dear Saga Lout (and anyone else with ideas),
Okay. I just tried loading the Root File Manager (a yellow folder icon with a 'hat'). There is no change. The new file manager program also cannot see the SD Card. When I look in the [home]\storage\ext_sd folder, it shows nothing (or no files).
The card is read only when plugged directly into the computer. The USB cable from the phone to the computer will not access any storage, and I don't know why that is. With the card plugged directly into the computer I can play/read/copy files from the card. I cannot delete/move/rename/format the card with the computer or phone. I tried to use the computer to open all "access" and "share" to the card. Somehow, those changes in the settings on the card still say they are in effect.
I need some way to make the phone see the expensive 30 gig memory card. Any other ideas?
OK, I get it now. Ignore my PM. I see you've edited the original post and deleted the "proper" reply.

Seems to me the electronics around the SdCard are failing so I suggest you back up all the data on to your PC in case it becomes corrupted.
If you're running Android Marshmallow, Adoptive Storage might have set your SdCard to Internal only as an alternative to Portable storage.

Is there an option in Settings>More>Storage to see if the card is showing as Internal only? That means it's can't be taken out and used elsewhere but you can install Apps and store data on to it

Also, iIf you're using the stock file manager, it probably isn't up to the job. Go to the Play Store and download Root File Manager (a yellow icon) and install that.

You don't need to root the device to use the utility. Open it and tap Storage then extSdCard and you should see the files are safe and intact. Tap DCIM/ if you want to check on your photographs, as an example.

OK, I get it now. Ignore my PM. I see you've edited the original post and deleted the "proper" reply.

Seems to me the electronics around the SdCard are failing so I suggest you back up all the data on to your PC in case it becomes corrupted.