Solved! My device's system keeps restarting in what seems CPU intense loads. Battery issue?

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Nov 26, 2017
When I run something that has a heavier CPU load, the system randomly will black screen, then restart. The problem has been getting worse and worse.

It also seems like the problem completely disappears when the device is plugged in charging.
Could this be a battery issue?

I downloaded software to check things and the voltage looks like it's inconsistent. It raises up while it's being charged, so maybe it's not getting enough power during some point.

I've tried draining and recharging the battery. It was working fine until I hit about 50% again, but the device did do it when it was almost fully charged, like I said, inconsistent, but still points to the battery.

Do you guys think it's a power/battery issue? I would appreciate help from people more knowledgeable about this. Thank you!

Yeah, I just noticed that before the battery was giving out more voltage when previously fully charged, then when it was fully charged now, and it seems like every time when the voltage drops to that level, is when the restarting problem appears.

Again, having the charger in makes the constant restarts go away, and the voltage sits at a higher level when charged.

This is actually a handheld device called the GPD Win, so I'm not sure, but it's still basically a laptop.
I'm working on getting a battery replacement soon, hopefully I'm right and it solves the problem.

Just wanted some opinions from tech savvy people. Thank you.
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