
Dec 14, 2012
Hi there.

I'm in a spot of bother.

I've got a Tecra 8100, and since a few months ago, the laptop just won't start.

I get a few lights; the "Plugged in" light, the On light, the "Charging" light, and the DVD Drive light. They never seem to go off.

Also, the hard drive spins up. No activity. The DVD drive seems to not get power, as I can't eject it. The actual light on the drive is off.

I have plugged in an external monitor, and there's still no activity.

I've tried pulling out what I think is the CMOS battery (two small batteries in a green wrapper) and to no avail. I've tried pulling out the RAM, and sticking it in different slots, nothing. Tried the old cardboard trick. Nothing. New battery, nothing.

I'm running out of options. While I do have a replacement (Sony Vaio PCG-Z600RE), I would like to get the Tecra going again so I can play old games on the move.

If anyone has an idea of what to do, hit me up with a reply.

Thanks for reading.


Dec 14, 2012
Sorry for the extremely late reply, I've had things to be done.

Oh no, a new mobo? $150 is way too far out, even converted to £s. The laptop only cost me £30, so there's no point. I've looked for loose cables, none. and there is a S3 graphics chip installed to the mobo, but it looks fine.

Thanks for replying, I'll put that aside for now.