Need to restart DAC every day


Sep 14, 2017
I have a Samsung smart TV which has only Digital Optical Audio (toslink) output, a Yamaha amplifier which has only analog input (RCA).
To make it work I got a converter from Digital optical audio to RCA and it works fine.

When I turn on the TV next day, there is no sound (just silence). After I reset the converter (just unplug it from power and plug back again, the TV and the amplifier are untouched) the sound comes back.

I tried two different converters (marmitek connect da21, clicktronic) and the result is the same - works fine, turn off tv for 20 minutes - still works fine, turn off tv for a night - converter needs restart.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Your TV must have a jack port, it is very small search for it very well, then you can get jack to RCA cable (jack is also analog so you dont need aditional converters).

Post your TV model please.

Thanks a lot for your reply. I have samsung ue50ku6000 ( which have no jack output 🙁