New to C++


Dec 7, 2012
Hello everyone I just started getting into C++ programming. I am running Ubuntu 12.04, and using the Vim text editor from the Terminal. Currently I am following a guide, that starts with the most basic of writing code. I was just hoping if anyone could give me any pointers when it comes to programming in general, but specifically C++. Thank you.
Anything you'd like to specifically know? Your question is very abstract, similar to "give me some math tips", and without knowing your level or seeing your code, we cannot give you a good answer.
[cpp]#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main ()
string username;
string password;
cout << "Enter your username: " << "\n";
getline( cin, username, '\n' );

cout << "Enter your password: " << "\n";
getline( cin, password, '\n' );
if ( username == "root" && password == "xyzzy" )
cout << "Access allowed" << "\n";
cout << "Bad username or password. Denied access!" << "\n";
return 0;

That is the latest program I have written. I'm just not sure about certain things like how to incorporate basic mathematics into the code. Things along those lines like I said, I just started.
You can perform basic mathematical operations using operators such as the addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulus (%)

For example,
a = 2;
b = 6;

cout << a + b;

However, if you'd like to perform more advanced mathematical operations, you'll want to import the math library (#include <cmath>).
If you want to expand this program, you could put everything in a while loop, and set the controlling variable to a false boolean value, until the correct username and password is entered. This would allow for the user to get multiple attempts of logging in, and you could also install a counter to track the # of times a user attempts to login (+1 for each time they go through the while loop), and after "x" attempts, the program terminates.

That would be the next step, I would say. I can write the code, but I think it would be good for you to tackle this one blind first. It's all within your capabilities. Let me know how it goes!

You say it is all in my capabilities yet I have no idea where to start xD. I don't know how to install a counter or how to set the controlling variable to a false boolean value. I'm all about trying new things, but I just don't know how to write it :|