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You might as well stop now, Will. As you've done in the past, you presume
to present what I've said in the light you wish to view it.
Put it on my weblog and get it off RAP. It's what you demanded, now get
yourself to a nunnery if you can't come up with a good reason to continue
YOUR Bushistic diatribes here on RAP.
I've been nice to you so far. Do you dare to show your cyberface around my
back yard? Even after you've demanded that I create that back yard?
Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio
"WillStG" <> wrote in message
> reddred wrote:
> > The idea that anyone thought that the Iraqi's were 'incapable' of
> having a
> > government modelled on ours (which is what you mean.
> No, what Roger and DeserTBob and other have said is that Iraqi's
> and other people in the Middle East are only capable of living under
> the rule of strongmen, because they have no history of self governance.
> > You don't mean
> > 'self-rule', because all that means is a nation stste not being ruled
> by
> > another - right now, they are ruled by a another, the USA) is purely
> a
> > conservative (read: Rove) invention, meant to malign Democratic
> concerns
> > about the elections viability and the long term stability of Iraq.
> Sure the
> > Iraqi's are capable, if they aren't too busy killing each other. But
> the
> > Shia majority will most likely opt for a theocracy modeled after
> Iran. It's
> > not a question of capability, it's a question of desire.
> They are having an election of Iraqis by Iraqis to write an Iraqi
> Constitution, and the only thing we have insisted on is that they
> consider the rights of women to Vote and protection for Minority ethnic
> and religious groups. You call that "America ruling Iraq"? That claim
> it only your "beard" for holding a decidedly Anti-Democratic position
> when it comes to Iraqi/Islamic/Middle Eastern people.
> > Again, the idea that anyone believes the Iraqi's are 'incapable' is a
> myth
> > stemming from a single remark GW made almost a year ago. Making that
> remark
> > also gave him an out in case the US sponsored elections simply don't
> work -
> > blame it on the Iraqi's. Rove and Bush are the ones that
> intentionally
> > called the Iraqi's 'ability to have a democracy' into question. It
> wasn't
> > even part of the dialog until they started in on it.
> No, this has to do with a recent remark from DeserTBob about
> Iraqi's, long winding threads from Roger about Iraq's cultural history,
> and the cutural condescention and latent ethnocentric bigotry upon
> which you also clearly base your political views.
> But perhaps I am being a bit harsh, as I doubt you have actually
> personally thought this out at all yourself. You are most likely merely
> following the Bush hating pack, which is slipping deeper and deeper
> into darkness...
> Beware of darkness Red.
> Will Miho
> NY Music & TV Audio Guy
> Staff Audio / Fox News Channel / M-AES
> "The large print giveth and the small print taketh away..." Tom Waits