Panasonic hdtv 1080i troubleshooting

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Jan 9, 2011
The power light keeps flashing and the tv won't turn on. If you unplug for a minute and hit the power button it sound like it is coming on then it shuts off and the red power light flashes slowly. The TV is a Panisonic 1080i HDTV, about 6-7 years old.

Mine is doing the same thing, how did you resolve this problem? Hoping that purchasing a new t.v. isn't the answer....


You don't include a model number. If it is a rear projection TV then it might need a new lamp. If it is a plasma or lcd TV the most typical problem is capacitors in the power supply that have failed. If you can remove the back and follow where the power cord goes you can find the power supply. The capacitors are usually cylindrical in shape, If bad they may be burned, show leakage or look sort of inflated. If you can replace them be sure to get the same value of cap but get 105 degree instead of 85 degree.
Sounds like a power supply failure. If the set is that old, it may be more cost effective to get a new set rather than have it repaired. What kind of set is it exactly? What's the model number?


Thanks, SkyBil40l, Looks like it would cost up to $400. Costco has a Visio 55 inch with the same outside dimensions as the old Panasonic 50 inch.
We're planning to go that route tomorrow.

Thanks, SkyBil40l, Looks like it would cost up to $400. Costco has a Visio 55 inch with the same outside dimensions as the old Panasonic 50 inch.
We're planning to go that route tomorrow.

Thanks, SkyBil40l, Looks like it would cost up to $400. Costco has a Visio 55 inch with the same outside dimensions as the old Panasonic 50 inch.
We're planning to go that route tomorrow.
It would be more cost effective for you to buy new capacitors and repair it yourself out of any of the options if you know how to solder, or have a friend how is handy that could do it. Fixing it yourself would only run you maybe 30 $. If you dont feel comfortable doing it yourself, a repair service would be very expensive, so buying a new tv would probably be the route to go. Its all about who you know, and if you know somone who could help you out, go that route. If you already have your heart set on the new vizio, there is nothing more exciting than making a new tv purchase!
This has happened to me twice. Both times was when I was watching a movie from a flash drive (which I will no longer do). Each time this happened I unplugged the tv from all components and the wall and left it for a couple of days. A few days later when I plugged it all back in - it worked! I have no idea why , but I thought I'd share. Hope it helps someone out.

Hello. Any amount of blinks means a defective board somewhre. These TVs have common power supply/Y-SUS/X-SUS board failures.

If you tell me your model number, I can usually tell you which issue it is. ^^; Repaired dozens of these TVs over the years.
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