PC Veteran Desires for Tune-up / Virus Removal / Diagnostic software


May 30, 2018
I'm reposting this because it was recommended to me that I would get more traffic in this forum for the idea.

Hello all!
I've been using this site for years, yet have never made an account due to the fact I've been selfish and only wanted questions answered rather than giving back. I've been a PC, tablet, phone, network, printer, you-name-it etc. tech for the past few years and I've slowly built up a process to get a computer right where I want it.

I'd like to give back now. I'm working on developing a free program, that will be free, to provide to fellow tech's, vet's and noobs alike. I started by making batch files with excessive commands and such to automate some of the virus removal procedures for my employees back in the day but now I've been revamping everything for the past few months into a neat new GUI with added toys.

So my question to you tech's out there is: What features would you desire in said software? What do you do on almost every computer (or enough machines you see in a day) that you would like to remove the monotony from? This can include virus removal techniques (anything in this category is not going to be done for at least a year), tune-up techniques, driver assistance etc. Or even weird customization questions you hear often enough from a client to want assistance performing.
I came up with a lot of idea's that I've put about 60 hours into so far. But two heads are better than one and a forum makes a hydra.
Most virus removal options requires the installation of the full suite. A few vendors out there (like VIPRE) will offer a stand-alone executable that contains the cleaner and definition. It's like the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT).

Because these tools get updated daily, rather than include them, perhaps it's best to list a bunch of referencing web links on where to download the latest.

As for common tasks? CCleaner does a good job, but the core elements such as purging local profile temp files, Windows temp files, and all web browser cache from all the major browsers in a single executable would be a nice start.

Ok. Well I can make it automatically populate tools for you but I'd rather get down to the specifics of certain tasks you'd like to be completed automatically. Maybe this is a question more for PC techs, but when I first started I had a list of what needed to be done for each tune-up I performed. (sometimes after virus removals). This may be tasks you'd like performed for personal use or for assistance in cleaning/repairing family/friends computers as well. Is there anything specific about those tools that you like?
pstscrpt: I am planning on including some of the best aspects that CCleaner performs in the tune-up section of my software which is in progress already

During my last job in PC repair I made a batch file to perform tasks similar to what you describe. Automatically directing to update links, running virus removal software, etc. This tool is meant to be of it's own rather than running other tools. Common tune-up procedures and dire Windows fixes will be the primary points and malware removal will have to start from the botom up. I do plan on implementing what you've recommended on temp files and that is already in progress for the tune-up section.
Question from nate_d099 : "PC Veteran Desires for Tune-up / Virus Removal / Diagnostic software"

It exists in both places in a mirror action. That is to say, it is at this time 13:19 GMT+1.
Very true. I don't think I have the link posted, so any who want to try it out go ahead and follow Wolfshadow's advice. PM 😀