Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)
I have three laserdisc players. The first two are a Magnavox
WRV-100(purchased Nov.1994) & a Pioneer CLD-S104(purchased Jan.1996),
which I bought new & both work perfectly. About 5 months ago I came
across a Pioneer CLD-504 at a local Goodwill here in Indianapolis for
$8.99+ tax. Of course, I bought it! It plays CDs perfectly, but on LDs
it will stall at the end of a side, when the "end disc" logo comes on
the screen. It has an auto-turn mechanism, & I thought that might be
the trouble. I've taken it apart & watched for this problem; it seems
that the laser assembly actually rides a track & goes upside down to
read the B-side of the disc. It looks like a mini-roller coaster in
action, as I can see the laser unit start to go around this track-then
it stops & the thing whines like crazy. On the front on the unit there
is a green LED marked "quick turn", so I pressed it & turned it off-so
I thought. But even then it will still stall & whine. Then I get this
U1 code in the front amber display. Pressing the LD button will eject
the LD, but the problem doesn't go away next time it is in use. If
there is extraneous material at the end of a side(studio logos or
credits) you can stop the unit before the stall kicks in. Also
sometimes the U1 code shows up when I first load a LD(but oddly, not a
CD in the little drawer). A few tries at opening/closing fixes that,
then the LD will play perfectly. If there's a way to disable the auto
turn 'feature' I'd like to correct this problem, because cosmetically &
functionally the unit is very nice, & let's face it, you won't find a
new laserdisc player at Best Buy or Circuit City anymore. And does
Pioneer even still make the big LD/DVD combo players anymore? I recall
they were about a grand before discount. I just picked up a nice
Pioneer DVR-220-S DVD recorder at Wal-Mart for $198.76, had it 10 days
& am planning to archive some LDs. So far the results have been good,
but I hate to can the CLD-S504 if not necessary. Hopefully someone with
'expertise' on the matter can help me. Thanks!
I have three laserdisc players. The first two are a Magnavox
WRV-100(purchased Nov.1994) & a Pioneer CLD-S104(purchased Jan.1996),
which I bought new & both work perfectly. About 5 months ago I came
across a Pioneer CLD-504 at a local Goodwill here in Indianapolis for
$8.99+ tax. Of course, I bought it! It plays CDs perfectly, but on LDs
it will stall at the end of a side, when the "end disc" logo comes on
the screen. It has an auto-turn mechanism, & I thought that might be
the trouble. I've taken it apart & watched for this problem; it seems
that the laser assembly actually rides a track & goes upside down to
read the B-side of the disc. It looks like a mini-roller coaster in
action, as I can see the laser unit start to go around this track-then
it stops & the thing whines like crazy. On the front on the unit there
is a green LED marked "quick turn", so I pressed it & turned it off-so
I thought. But even then it will still stall & whine. Then I get this
U1 code in the front amber display. Pressing the LD button will eject
the LD, but the problem doesn't go away next time it is in use. If
there is extraneous material at the end of a side(studio logos or
credits) you can stop the unit before the stall kicks in. Also
sometimes the U1 code shows up when I first load a LD(but oddly, not a
CD in the little drawer). A few tries at opening/closing fixes that,
then the LD will play perfectly. If there's a way to disable the auto
turn 'feature' I'd like to correct this problem, because cosmetically &
functionally the unit is very nice, & let's face it, you won't find a
new laserdisc player at Best Buy or Circuit City anymore. And does
Pioneer even still make the big LD/DVD combo players anymore? I recall
they were about a grand before discount. I just picked up a nice
Pioneer DVR-220-S DVD recorder at Wal-Mart for $198.76, had it 10 days
& am planning to archive some LDs. So far the results have been good,
but I hate to can the CLD-S504 if not necessary. Hopefully someone with
'expertise' on the matter can help me. Thanks!