Questions ddr2 vs. ddr3


Nov 7, 2009
I am debating buying 2 laptops: Gateway with Intel Core 2 duo 2.2 Ghz processor (T6600) with 4Gb DDR3 RAM non-expandable vs. Toshiba Intel Core 2 duo 2.2 Ghz processor (T6600) with 4Gb DDR2 RAM expanadble to 8Gb. Basically the same price (Toshiba is $30 more). Don't do anything that complex with computer. So if I can expand out to 8GB with the DDR2 is that better than having a max 4 GB DDR3? What makes more sense?
The first question:
Which laptop do you like better?

The next question is:
Are you ever going to anything with the current laptop that requires more than 4 GB of memory?

If so, your choice is clear.

Don't obsess about the difference between DDR2 and DDR3.

basically jsc is saying that the difference in performance is going to be negligible. Thus the OP should just choose the system he likes better or is cheaper and not worry about the difference in RAM. And I agree.

There isn't going to be much of a difference between 4gb DDR2 and 4gb DDR3. For basic use, 2gb of RAM (any type) is usually enough though many will go for 4gb just to be safe. People who game and run intensive apps almost always go for 4gb. And unless you are running some serious programs, it is doubtful you will even need 8gb.
4gb sticks will prolly be as expensive as the laptop its self for laptop memory currently and also i am not a fan of either brands, and sadly Dell has won me over lately because when it comes to servicing all different brands, dell atleast makes everything easily servicable etc