Under the EAC pull-down menu there's 'Compression Options'. Under the External Compression tab you should point where your external compressor (e.g. LAME) is located on your disk and then set the other options (bitrate, quality, etc.) accordingly. In my case for example, the Parameter Passing scheme is 'Monkey's Audio lossless encoder' and I've located the encoder program and written its address under 'Program, including path, ...'. For LAME or any other MP3 encoder you should do the same and then set the bitrate and quality, etc. You can also bypass any of these settings with entering a valid option (for the external encoder) in the 'Additional Command Line options'. For example, you can tell LAME to encode at very high-quality variable bitrate by typing "--alt-preset extreme" or in version 3.93 and beyond, just "--preset extreme". Or any other command line option that suits your needs...
After doing all this, just push the MP3 button on the left side of the EAC screen and you're done.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by r2k on 08/13/03 02:05 PM.</EM></FONT></P>