Samsung Devices Can´t Connect To home Wifi


Sep 5, 2015
Hi, i have a little problem
We have pretty old wifi router, but every other device from other brands (father´s nokia, friends lgs and acer) can connect but me, my brother and mum have samsung (galaxy tab 2 7.0, galaxy tab 3 and samsung galaxy grand neo) and can´t connect to wifi. I tried router reset, tablet factory reset, set static ip adress, turn off router for hour, reconnect antena, almost everything that google found. But nothing works, so we think thats problem of samsung. Router brand is zyxel and its old, so i can´t tell u the number. Everytime i connect to wifi, i type password, it says "connecting" but after like 20 seconds it gives me window with message "Wrong password, please try again"- I really didnt know what is happenind, everything except samsung devices work. If somebody knows about it or have same problem and solved it, please share :) Thank you very much -P