Screen Tearing in Chrome when scrolling by clicking down middle mouse wheel


Jul 12, 2015
When I click the mouse wheel in and move the mouse down or up to scroll, this screen tearing (horizontal lines of distortion) will appear on my screen. I thought this was an issue with the video card at first, but testing it while running gpu from the mobo (stupidly after I already got RMA and sent my card back to EVGA) has shown me that this isn't an issue with the card. I have only experienced this in one game (MGS: Ground Zeros), and haven't been able to replicate it. I think I may have not have V-Sync on the first time so that might have fixed it.

Any solutions to my chrome problem?

Thanks in advance



Jul 12, 2015
The solution was to do the opposite of what everyone on all of the forums said, that being to turn ON a windows aero theme as opposed to the basic windows themes. Not 100% sure why this works, but I'm glad I tried it.