Tom's Divx benchmark



I couldn't find an appropriate forum to post this question, please bear with me........

When Tom posts his divx encoding benchmarks he does so in FPS(frames per second, I would believe). How does this relate to encoding an entire movie? Given his FPS benchmark, is there a way to figure the ammount of time a certian setup would take to encode a whole movie?
I understand movies are different lengths and that would change the overall encoding time. Could somebody clear this up for me.
Thanks for your insight,
The fps that Tom states from the benchmark is the number of frames in the movie that are processed in each second.

To find out how long it will take to encode the full movie use this simple formula.

(Movie lenght in seconds) * (movie fps)/ (benchmark fps)

<font color=red>Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?</font color=red>
Tom's Hardware uses very low quality settings to benchmark DivX. Actual times with realistic quality settings will be a lot longer. Converting DVDs to DivX is one of the few good reasons to get a p4. Flask is SSE2 ready and a p4 rocks in this application.
Flask runs quite fast on a P4, no question about that.
but who is still using Flask to code "their" DVD's to DivX?
recently I found 'FairUse' on Doom9's website and it's so much better! it's even easier to use than Flask (if you don't count in that for the time being you have to do the Audio in a separate step) and you can actually specify the output file size. output quality is way better as well since it generates a number of streams (you can specify how many) with different settings and then chooses for each scene the one with the best quality and cuts them together to get the end file in the length you want. obviously to generate 4 streams (the standard setting; quite appropriate) takes more time than doing one in Flask. but since you don't have to try over and over again to get a desired file size it's even faster than Flask (it took me 7 encodings in Flask to get 'The Matrix' to 1.4GB for a 2CD rip).
and last but not least, it supports multi CPU systems under win2k. and according to Tom's hardware they are cheaper than any P4 system at the same overall clockspeed.


NB: SmartBitrateControl is supposed to give even better quality than FairUse. but I haven't tried it yet and I read that it's harder to set up.
Thanks for the info guys, I'm not gonna go buy a p4 for divx encoding but, I do appreciate the insight.
Have you got the url to download this program. Must try it as a comparison. I'm not 100% happy with Flask quality.

<font color=red>Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?</font color=red> or
and don't let an error msg fool you. just hit the reload button.
it's the best site I can think of for DVD backup issues.
all the software and guides you need are there.
if your unhappy with Flask the same way I am then you gonna like FairUse. only two things let it down so far:
1. I have to run it under win2k as it keeps crashing under win98se (but that's probably on my machine only, will reinstall win98se soon anyway)
2. sound has to be done seperately. I use GraphEdit as descriped in doom9's FairUse guide but it took some trying to get it to work properly. now that it works it takes me about 30 min to rip, convert and add the sound.
to do sound in an extra step has one advantage for me though since I do quite often an english an a german copy of the same movie.

Dude thanks for the info. I go to doom for all my video needs but haven't tried Fair yet. So far Flask is working well for me but I use DivX Fast and usually shoot for one DVD = one Cd-r. Mpg2avi sucks donkey balls compaired to Flask. Flask will not code a rip I have of Rules of Engagement because the rip has a small error in it. Flask's player will play the movie fine except for a barely noticeable flicker during the bad frames but when you go to encode to DivX Flask bombs out and shuts itself down. The AVI file is completely unplayable. You would think it would be playable up to the error but it is just a dead file. Doing the sound in a seperate step keeps Flask from self destructing but Flask stops encoding at the bad spot. Any ideas? TIA
try getting the DVD again and do another rip.
hope it's not a general problem with this DVD title.
another possible solution could be to cut the .vob file where the bad part is. cut the bad frames out and code the .vob file seperately and then put the final .avi together in VirtualDub.
tools for .vob file cutting should be on doom9's website.

dude, I ripped the Matrix to 576ish MB on the first run with fast motion codec, full res, with the black top and bottom cropped.
low motion was 1GB.
you've just got to get it all right.

why, oh WHY, is the world run by morons?
so, you ripped 'The Matrix' to 576MB ???
well done! you just wasted 124MB that really could have improved the picture quality. of course if you watch it on a very old 14" blury monitor I bet it looks great. but don't try watching it on a 32" TV.
every moron can set the bitrate to a value that the file size stays definitly under a set limit. the aim is to come as close as possible to that limit w/o exceeding it, so that you have a high bitrate for a good quality picture.
if I put your posting in relation to your signature you must be one of the guys running this world, ha ha!

I really thought about just flaming you, but I'll be the mature one in this discussion.
Fast motion codec set at 6000Kbps
deinterlace, interpolate.
MP3 @ 96K, 48000, Stereo.
full res, with the top and bottom cut out.
the quality is EXCELLENT. Surprised the hell out of me, it is the reason I now use fast motion codec almost exclusively.
I didn't waste 124 MB of space, I didn't need it. For your information, most of my movies fit on a CD with room to spare.
Admittedly, MOST movies don't encode nearly that well, but this one got me started on tweaking the settings to work with the fast motion codec. Most movies, to get this degree of quality and size, I have to run in Vdub and deinterlace, you do lose quality, but the picture doesn't have the interlacing lines during scene changes.
If you want, I'll send you a clip, I'm not going to waste my time uploading 570+ megs to someone that flamed me for having better luck than they did.

why, oh WHY, is the world run by morons?
c'mon, I figured you left, what have you got to say?

Independant thought is good.
It won't hurt for long.