toshiba satellite c655d s5518 backlight issue


Mar 29, 2013
I have a toshiba satellite c655d s5518 with backlight issues. I have replaced both the lcd and lcd power cable and hooked it to an external monitor to check the gpu. Gpu is working. I am stuck. Please help before I have to go buy an brand new laptop.
if you have tried the inverter and the screen and screen cable that only leaves the motherboard

or the replacement parts are the wrong part number

had it happen once that the lcd cable at the motherboard end had melted and when i put a new cable in the

screen still wouldnt work

after looking very carefully it turned out there was a tiny bit of melted plastic stuck in the connector where the

cable went in

so check carefully where the cables connect for any little bits of debris stopping proper contact

Yeah the motherboard is where I´m leaning to right now. Any way to ohm it out before I go buy a new laptop?


Ok here is exactly what´s going on. The first thing to happen was the screen would suddenly go dark and then turn back on. Then it just shut off and stopped working completely. After some research I learned that if you shined a light at the screen and could see the desktop then it was the backlight. So with a flashlight shined on the screen I was indeed able to see the windows desktop. The next thing I did was hook it up to an external monitor to see if the video was there. It was so no problem with gpu. The next thing was to replace the lcd with a new one. Still no picture. The next thing was to replace the cable going from the mother board to the lcd. Still no picture. A this point I believe that it is bad mother board conection which means that I´m out of luck.


Hi :)

When you shine a light etc...ITS THE INVERTER (in 90% of cases)....look at my sig....

All the best Brett :)
Sorry Brett, but the Toshiba Satellite c655d s5518 from Toshiba site has a HD TruBrite® LED Backlit display.
So it does not have an inverter.

This is the link from Toshiba :

From the schematic it could be just an open coil, not giving the power to the LED.

He right while there is a pcb on the back of the lcd I don´t believe it is functioning like an inverter. Also the lcd that I bought is brand new and not used as is the laptop.

Open coil? What is that and how do I repair it?


Hi :)

You cannot...

Now lets be PRECISE....

First when asked you SAID it was an LCD with an Inverter ...IS IT ?

Or is it an LED.... ?

All the best Brett :)

To be perfectly clear. It is an lcd and does not use an inverter.

Hi :)

LCD`S >>> ALWAYS <<< use an inverter.... either a seperate one or built into the screen....

All the best Brett :)

LCD FOR LG PHILIPS LP156WH4 LCD is LED and does NOT use an inverter. This screen has the LED connector towards BOTTOM-LEFT.

Hi :)



All the best Brett :)