Upgrade time..............Fuji v Panasonic



Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

I've been a fan of Fuji for some time, my current camera is a Fuji
4700 Zoom.

But, I want to upgrade to a new camera, to be used in a growing
interest in landscape/seascape photography. I want some manual
controls for experimenting with pictures. I also want to be able take
those holiday snaps!!

I have had a good look at the Fuji S7000 - which seems to have all the
features I'm looking for. However, I've been looking at alternatives
and wanted to know what the NG thought of the Panasonic Lumix

Many thanks
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

Paul D wrote:
> I've been a fan of Fuji for some time, my current camera is a Fuji
> 4700 Zoom.
> But, I want to upgrade to a new camera, to be used in a growing
> interest in landscape/seascape photography. I want some manual
> controls for experimenting with pictures. I also want to be able take
> those holiday snaps!!
> I have had a good look at the Fuji S7000 - which seems to have all the
> features I'm looking for. However, I've been looking at alternatives
> and wanted to know what the NG thought of the Panasonic Lumix
> DMC-FZ20b?
> Many thanks
If you're getting serious, time to get dSLR. If you need to choose
between S7000 and FZ20, FZ 20 has anti shake optics. I have one.
It does make difference.
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

On Sat, 09 Jul 2005 13:00:16 GMT, Tony Hwang wrote:

> If you're getting serious, time to get dSLR. If you need to choose
> between S7000 and FZ20, FZ 20 has anti shake optics. I have one.
> It does make difference.

For landscape photography wouldn't a tripod make more of a
difference? And on a tripod, antishake reduction isn't desirable.
While a DSLR with a decent lens would be a step up, both the Fuji
and Panasonic can take seriously good pictures. Depending on the
photographer's needs it may be insufficient, just as a DSLR may not
meet other photographer's needs. Then it's time to consider MF and
LF and also consult a financial advisor. :)
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

Paul D wrote:
> I've been a fan of Fuji for some time, my current camera is a Fuji
> 4700 Zoom.
> But, I want to upgrade to a new camera, to be used in a growing
> interest in landscape/seascape photography. I want some manual
> controls for experimenting with pictures. I also want to be able take
> those holiday snaps!!
> I have had a good look at the Fuji S7000 - which seems to have all the
> features I'm looking for. However, I've been looking at alternatives
> and wanted to know what the NG thought of the Panasonic Lumix
> DMC-FZ20b?
> Many thanks

Wait, why do you want an ultrazoom for landscape/seascape photography?!
You probably need the widest lens you can get, not longest. You also
need the highest resolution you can afford.

At 28mm and 7mp you have Canon PowerShot S70 and Olympus C-7070 Wide
Zoom - I'd choose the Olympus without hesitation over the Canon.

At 8mp you have
Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom Konica Minolta DiMAGE A200
Canon PowerShot Pro1 Konica Minolta DiMAGE A2
Nikon Coolpix 8400 Sony DSC-F828
Ricoh GX8

Some of the cameras above can be had for perhaps less than the