Announcement Welcome to the Tom's Guide Community!

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Hi all , long time user , finally made an account so I could add some advice to a thread so some smuck dose not make the same mastake I did Wile using Reflect ! Almost locked my self out of 90% of a new hard drive ! By not expanding the copied petition on the OS ! That would have been a nasty mistake if I had not caught it in time.

Oh I am also an NBN subby for the last 4 or so years (Please don't hold that against me 😛) and have been using PC since my first COMM64 . yep older than the internet !!!!
I'm Roberto, Italian but living in SE Asia since a decade.
Long time Android user I bought and iPad for my daughter for her beginner design activities and I'm getting frustrated with the different settings and limitations of iPadOS, I hope the forum can help me with about few issues I'm facing.
Thanks For The Welcome,

Lurked occasionally for years, seen good stuff from Toms Guide in Google search hits.

Hello. I'm VonnieM. I may be an anomaly here but I'm a 79 year young female. I've been involved in computers since MS-DOS was the operating system (thank you Windows!) when you could use the C prompt command to edit a password file where it was clearly spelled out for encryption...and when we thought a 40 meg drive was so big, the customer would never use all the You have come a long way tech and that's why I've registered on this site. My knowledge is becoming obsolete and it is bind boggling to keep up with the tech explosion. Hopefully I can absorb a few more bits of knowledge . So jealous of the young kids today.
Hello. I'm a long time pixel phone user. I think they have come a long way and deserve more recognition. You can get a flagship phone for hundreds of dollars less than Samsung or iPhone
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Hi everyone! I'm obsessed with any technology that makes life easier :)
Apple makes some good stuff, ASUS is the dream company that I'd like to work at cause they are innovative and I just built my first PC (mini-ITX) (literally finished yesterday)!

Brb, my apple watch is telling me it's time to stand up :S
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Welcome to The Tom’s Guide Community!

We are the premiere venue of discussion for all types of tech experts and enthusiasts. We’ve set up this introductions thread so our users can get to know each other a little more.

If you’ve just registered to the site, please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself.

If you’re a long-time veteran of Tom’s Guide, we also encourage you to re-introduce yourself for those who might be lurking about the site.

I’ll go first: I’m Josh, one of two Assistant Community Managers for Tom’s Guide. I'm currently a level 7 Inox Brute in Gloomhaven, and a hobbyist game designer in my spare time. I'm obsessed with tech and have been building PCs since middle school (don't even think about trying to date me).
My name is Les Smith. I'm a 76 year old pensioner who does banking with the Internet. My system is WindowsXP Proffesional. I live in an old age home in Hermanus, South Africa. I have had no problems before doing internet banking, but i now start getting clock errors, even though my clock is correct. I would appreciate any assistance with my problem. Many thanks.
Hello lads, I'm Alessandro, I'm 43 and I live in Rome (Italy). I have been dealing with IT for about 20 years, I have a shop with an attached laboratory where I can carry out various repairs. In my free time, I ride in a camper, I practice Motocross and I dedicate a day space to Videogames, a passion that I have cultivated since I was a child. I love listening to music, mostly 70's Progressive Rock, 70's Hard Rock and much more. I live with my partner, I have two children and three mestizo puppies. What else to say.... To read again! (Sorry for my english)
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Some of these comments are so funny!
Anyways, I just joined today and wanted to say I love technology of all kinds. Especially the new products that are launched every year at CES. CES has always been of my interest and follow almost every year on what's new and what's trending etc. And I've been using a Toms guide for a long time to look for a graphic card reviews/benchmars and other PC/Apple, Windows/ Mac OS related articles on here. I also use at Tom's guide to go through some product reviews/opinions time to time. I don't usually post much comments, but I felt like posting a comment to one of the articles about usb-c on Apple iPhone phones that I in my personal opinion was super misinformed and wanted to comment. So, unlike one of you on here, I wasn't looking for a bathroom. That comment was really funny by the way!
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Hi, I’ve often ended up here, usually to read reviews of mobile phones etc. I’ve been using computers since 1990 so you can guess that I’m an oldie Goldie, but have lost my way somewhere and It’s difficult for me to keep up.

I’ve got an old Acer Travelmate laptop, a tower computer which currently needs attention, several android phones and an iPad Air which I love and would have to go out and buy a new iPad the same minute if it broke!

Thanks for any help you can provide. I live on the tiny island of Malta.
Django new here,

Comes from a village out in the digital wilderness, everyday fighting for his life. But no more. Django wants to be free so came here to talk with others and seek technology that serves but does not bind.
Many experiences i.e windows, more W, Linux, bsd, Ubuntu etc., then even more & enough of W.
64kb Sinclair, Atari xe/xl/st, I B M… now entering new domain.
Interested in everything: programming, AI, connectivity std’s etc., smart homes - you get the point.

Animals? Django loves cats. Dogs, Guinea pigs and Fish too, but cats are his biggest friends. Why? Thinks, they are like us, individual “like me or live with it”, can appreciate similar.
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Hi all you community guide people, .. Yikes, .. I might be out of my league here with all you tech experts, .. but stumbled upon the site whilst trying to find some digital camera help stuff .... so here's hoping someone might have some sympathy with a total tech Luddite .. and every piece of tech I come across doesn't seem to be idiot proof at all, ... so if I don't get chucked off this forum for asking some pretty dumb questions, .. I might be back with queries about all sorts of annoying things... ... But so far, so good...
Been a lurker for years, decided to jump in and contribute what I can. Long-time Apple user (as in: original 128k Mac), currently have an M1 MacBook Air for working on the road, and and M1 Mini (w/ a pair of monitors) for the desktop. Nothing super powerful (by today's standards) or exotic, mostly running office apps and doing some light photography.
My name is Amelia and I have been working as a professional photographer in Japan for several years. I have a great love for cameras and computers. I am glad to become a member of this forum, I have found many useful tips here.
I am a Cockney.
In case you do not know ,being a Cockney is determined as being born within the sound of the bells of Bow Church in London England
More than 4 score years have elapsed since then for me so I am an elderly "Analogue Guy".
As a Hobby I refurbish mainly Akai and Tandberg Reel to Reel TR's.
This comes from the time when I was in Kuwait (for 10 years) and owned a Akai M8 and Tandberg 64X among others. While there I produced sound effects for the British Council Theater.
I have oodles of interesting History but not enough time to tell all.
I am happy to be part of Toms community an if I can help other posters I will
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Boa Tarde,
I'm Martyn from Portugal. English but now living in the Algarve for reasons obvious to many. I have been a follower of this website for very many years but never joined until now. My interests are widespread - Computers (Windows and Linux - prefer the latter); Cameras (film and digital); Smart phones, homes and watches; Android stuff; Arduino stuff; streaming and set top boxes (and Kodi); almost anything except Gaming and anything Apple. I'm well into my seventies and hope to be a member for many years to come. You won't find me on social media either - my time is too valuable to want to rack up a list of "friends" I will never meet. Like the Cockney above me I can't even list the hardware that has passed through my hands since I first built my own crystal set to listen to pirate radio.
Hello! I read the answers on the forums a lot!
I am a rancher in north east Colorado. We have sketchy cell, internet, and tv out here. I enjoy dabbling in any type of electronics. I root and modify my cell phones (android) to try to improve what works here. I try to optimize my internet and wifi. I used to build and repair my own computers. Just basically anything I can teach myself. Many years ago it was cb radios 😉😂.
When I'm not ranching I work on Power stroke trucks.
I also watch my 4 year old grandson 3 days a week. He is also a tinkerer and wants to fix things!
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