Solved! What's the best way to wirelessly stream audio from my Roku to my projector to my amp's bluetooth receiver?

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Dec 27, 2018
I have an Optoma HD143x projector and a Peachtree Nova 150 integrated amp with a Peachtree BT1 bluetooth receiver.

My plan is to stream video from a Roku into the projector's HDMI port; connect a bluetooth transmitter (TBD) to the projector's audio out jack; and stream audio to the receiver attached to my integrated amp. The amp is about 15ft from the projector.

Will that work? Any suggestions on a good transmitter? Any tips on how to best synchronize the video with the audio?
You are mixing up the options.
1. If you have to plug the Roku directly into the projector then you would have to use a bluetooth transmitter (or a cable) connected to the projector audio output to get audio to the Nova150. That might introduce an annoying delay.
2. If you can use a long HDMI cable then you would use an HDMI input selector with audio extraction. Connect the Roku and other sources to the switcher HDMI inputs. Connect the switcher HDMI output to the projector. Connect the coax or optical digital audio output of the switcher to a digital input on the Nova 150. No bluetooth required.
There are wireless HDMI solutions to replace the cable from the switcher to the projector.
I assume you will plug the Roku in at the projector to avoid a long HDMI cable. Bluetooth will have a delay built in so you want an low latency AptX transmitter. Even with that you may have a problem.
If the Roku can be near the Nova 150 I would suggest you get an HDMI input selector with audio extraction. Connect the Roku and other sources to it. You now have an optical audio output for the Nova 150. No delay issues. Better sound, and more reliable.
Thanks for the suggestion, @americanaudiophile. I want to make sure I follow:

I plug the Roku into an HDMI input selector then run an analog audio cable from the input selector to my amp. Then I'd fix a bluetooth transmitter to the HDMI out port on the input selector and pair it to a receiver on the projector.

Is that right?
You are mixing up the options.
1. If you have to plug the Roku directly into the projector then you would have to use a bluetooth transmitter (or a cable) connected to the projector audio output to get audio to the Nova150. That might introduce an annoying delay.
2. If you can use a long HDMI cable then you would use an HDMI input selector with audio extraction. Connect the Roku and other sources to the switcher HDMI inputs. Connect the switcher HDMI output to the projector. Connect the coax or optical digital audio output of the switcher to a digital input on the Nova 150. No bluetooth required.
There are wireless HDMI solutions to replace the cable from the switcher to the projector.
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