Win7 password reset using Win10?

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My laptop was a work laptop which is not used now. It is in a domain and I don't know the admin password. I dual booted Win10 and Win7 and it was working fine until yesterday. After getting to the 'Choose Your OS' of Win10 and after selecting Win7. 7 boots up and when i login it says Service Notification Event Error and changes ti a black screen. Microsoft offers a hotfix but i need an admin password to apply it. I can't get to my company to unlock it. Can I remove the domain and get the admin password with Win10 somehow?


Feb 17, 2010
I'm afraid you're not going to get much in the way of help here. Advice on bypassing security measures usually results in the post getting locked or deleted. Your best bet is going to contact the IT dept at work and convince one of them to either remove their domain/accounts or get them to wipe it with a fresh load of Windows (which really they should have done if it's no longer in use by the company).
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