Worried about ordering the predator helios 300. Help!

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Dec 23, 2016
So I have been looking around for a gaming laptop for a month now and the predator Helios 300 (GTX 1060 6gb i7 7700HQ 16gb ram 256gb SSD) model really caught my eye. I have been keeping my crosshairs on it ever since and until graduation time when I graduate to pull the trigger(early summer). I have looked at over 10 video reviews on it and all were positive.
On Amazon, on the other hand, I have been looking through the reviews even though most are positive the rate of bad/faulty laptops out of 5 laptops 1 is faulty. Including bad displays, backlight bleeding(not a normal amount but a lot); overheating(bad cooling when in normal use); laptop just dying; ordering the HDD bundle and not getting a SATA and HDD caddy; those are the most prominent ones. Now the questions are, opinions I want are should I get this laptop because the number of faulty/negative things about it have decreased by a lot? If I would get a refurbished one would it especially already be checked out so that there are no problems with it? Or are there any other laptops coming out in this price range with a gtx 1060 6gb?
Don't worry about it. You see negative reviews a lot more because people will go out of their way to make a negative review rather than a positive one. Laptop cooling is the only real concern but that's just how laptops are.

Acer makes good stuff, just buy it. If it does come faulty you can RMA it and they'll send you a brand new one.
Don't worry about it. You see negative reviews a lot more because people will go out of their way to make a negative review rather than a positive one. Laptop cooling is the only real concern but that's just how laptops are.

Acer makes good stuff, just buy it. If it does come faulty you can RMA it and they'll send you a brand new one.
Thank you for the positive reinforcement.
See the only reason I am a bit scared is because I don't live in the USA but every year we go there for a month and my plan was to order the laptop to my relatives house but what if it is all good and fine but when we get back to Europe it starts let's say overheating than what should I do?


Sorry for the all over replies for some reason my google chrome wouldn't let me message reply and answer and it was very confusing now I came over to EDGE. So just if you could please read the things I said down there,


If that happens it'd be best to email them and let them know your situation when a problem arises. It also couldn't hurt to get in contact with their support beforehand and ask questions about their warranty specifications.

FYI, no matter what gaming laptop you buy, it will probably always be right on the edge of thermal throttling (81-85C). Laptop cooling is much less robust due to keeping a small form factor. I would only worry about temps if it gets to 90+C.
I just bought the Helios 300 a week ago,

is it overheating? YES!!
is there a solution? YES!!

for me I use it for gaming and some work projects, all the heating problems are coming from the Gaming part. the CPU reach 95c and the GPU 80~82c

After some tweaks I ended up with stable performance with great temps. now Im gaming at CPU 69c and GPU 68c.

What I did basically:
1. I undervolt the CPU -0.120v
2. I undervolt the GPU
3. I changed the processor power management. I set my CPU at 90minimum and 95 maximum.
4. I left the back of the laptop with a LEGO parts so it helps the airlflow.

and everything is perfect ( atleast for me ) and I might reset the processor management after I repaste the CPU and GPU

I hope it help you.

Hello, Im also experiencing heat issues on mine too, I dont really get your steps. Can you help in breaking it down better so I can understand

The helios 300 comes with and international travellers warranty so for a year be worryfree
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