Yamaha RX-V781 Arc problem with LG OLED 65B7P


Jan 5, 2018
Hi, i cant get any audio from netflix or any app through arc connected to the HDMI 2 (on LG oled 65b7p) to AV receiver Yamaha rx-v781 HDMI 1 (arc). I configure the LG OLED, in sound options, and actívate HDMI SIMPLINK (CEC). Also I actívate control HDMI on Yamaha with arc on AV4. Nothing comes out. The only way is using an optical toslink cable. But i want HDMI arc to get ATMOS from netflix or DD PLUS.
I install latest firmware for both equipments. For what is worst it if i connect the OLED to a sony soundbar HT790, ARC Works. is a problem with Yamaha,
Please help
I have the exact same setup as you and I tried a lot of different (and expensive) HDMI cables, nothing worked. I then found a cheap HDMI cable I had lying around, the only difference is that this was a High speed HDMI cable with ETHERNET. When I plugged it in it worked! I've now tried two cables that has ethernet and both work flawlessly. I find it funny that the cheapest alternative was the winner.
CEC has nothing to do with ARC. You have to turn that on separately in the TV audio menu. The TV will only have one HDMI-ARC input so that's the one that you connect the receiver HDMI output to.
I don't think HDMI-ARC supports any audio codecs not supported by the optical output so it won't help you with Atmos.
The next version of HDMI will do that I think.
I have the exact same setup as you and I tried a lot of different (and expensive) HDMI cables, nothing worked. I then found a cheap HDMI cable I had lying around, the only difference is that this was a High speed HDMI cable with ETHERNET. When I plugged it in it worked! I've now tried two cables that has ethernet and both work flawlessly. I find it funny that the cheapest alternative was the winner.