I just got a cable modem in the mail from time warner cable to add on to my cable that i already have. But I have my own router(netgear),and i have no idea how to put a lock on my wi-fi or if i even hooked it up right???? plz help!
how to use Samsung galaxy y as modem. when i have Nokia phone it was damm easy to do it with Nokia pc suite, but now i bought Samsung galaxy y nd found no way to connect my pc to net with my phone. can anyone help me out.
I have sonilex netbook sl-lt701. I can not establish 3g modem connection with it. How should I do this? I have not any type of internet connection there.
Can windows xp be installed in it? If yes, huw?
Please answer my question quick.
Hello All,
My modem is currently resetting at random times while streaming Netflix or Mlb.tv from my PS3. My connection to my laptop is great and never drops. I have a 3 way splitter with -7,-3.5 and -3.5. I am only using two of the ports. -7 to cable box and -3.5 to modem (Not really sure what...
Hi, I have tried various software of caller id for pc but none of them are showing the number on my pc. The all recognize the modem and drivers. I am using an external usb modem. I use vonage as my phone service so the phone line is coming in from the phone jack and is plugged into my vonage...
can i hook up my playstation 3 to a wireless cricket modem.
i have a hp laptop with windows vista and a older desktop with windows xp.
internet works on both computers but not on the PS3
My Windows 7 laptop has suddenly stopped connecting to the Internet, happening frequently. I'm directly plugged into the modem. IP Config release renew and manually disconnecting the modem from the wall have not helped. Sometimes Network diagnostics say "IP configuration not valid."...
My ASUS u50f model # AR5B95 is just one year old and suddenly stopped connecting the internet. I have a wireless aircard and the modem can no longer detect it. I've turned the WLAN on and off, looked over settings in the device manager, etc.
Is my modem or network card bad? Am I able to...
i have bought 2 new phones htc wildfire s and lg optimus black p970.and i have a mtnl wifi modem 450tc1. and with both phone i am not able to access the internet. the phone connects to internet but it doesnot open any page it shows error that web page is not available. but when i tried to...
I am a web developer and i am looking to use a gsm modem to receive SMS messages and then send them to a web page.
I'm using a Wavecom Fastrack. The modem is connected to a Rs232 (15 pin) cable which is then connected to a rs232 to USB adapter. This USB then goes into the computer.
I bought a "wireless router" for my new lap top today, I was previously hooked up directly to a modem, now my computer is plugged into the router(which connects to the old modem). So I'm still not wireless and am still stuck in one place. What can I do?
I cant remember my security password for my modem to unlock it to connect my wii and my dad\'s Wi-Fi phone.When i disable the security in the settings page it just goes back to Enabled all the time!!It\'s a Huawei xDSL PLEASE HELP!!!
I am trying to figure out how to use the internal modem of the Modem to connect to the internet. On the other hand I have also attempted to install a Huawei E220 modem, but I keep on getting a message it cannot install, it does not find some VBA software and the process stops - With another USB...
Hi, got a winxp pro service pak 2 PC with a phone/fax modem installed in it and a regular phone hooked up to it.
Two questions?
Is there any software out there [preferably free] that functions as an answering machine for a landline? [It doesn't appear that XP has that feature?]
And if yes,
HP Pavilion dv6t-2100 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC ok i just bought this laptop and like a idiot i figured it would have a dial up modem but it doesnt and i live in a very rural area so its a must. Does anyone know if i can get and install a internal modem and if so can u show me where to...
I work for an ISP and had a customer recently report the following...he is using an MSI laptop with Windows 7. Not using a router, conencting directly from modem to laptop. I'm thinking it may be a setting issue on his laptop but could not find the answer...anyone? Here's what he wrote...
Hello, I have a Panasonic laptop computer running on Windows 98 OS. I'm trying to hook it up to the Internet (dial-up), and I can't.
The reason being there's no dial-tone coming into the modem. I called AT&T and they say it might be the modem not responding to the phone line.
The thing is...
how do i connect my hp mini laptop 110-112nr to the internet using a cable modem when my cable modem is already connected to my desktop computer? I want to have them both connected to the same cable internet. What do i need to do?
how do i connect my hp mini laptop 110-112nr to the internet using a cable modem when my cable modem is already connected to my desktop computer? I want to have them both connected to the same cable internet. What do i need to do?
Wow I never realized modems looked like that back in 1964. And I never realized it could take nearly a minute to load the front page of Wikipedia on a text browser!
What I don't understand though was how he was able to get the antique modem...
I was working on a friends computer that I was finishing up. I was plugging into my cable modem through the USB port and I heard a loud pop and that was it. Fried laptop. Now, it's obvious that the cable modem caused it. Anyone think I have a chance of getting the cable company to reimburse me...
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
Well, I finally have my dialtone back (see other thread) and now I'd
like to have my Showstoppers do a manual download, rather than waiting
for the overnight one that's done automatically. I can't seem to recall
the code/procedure...
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
I have my Replay 5040 (now upgraded) connected through a Ugate gateway,
which connects to a cable modem. I had the cable modem upgraded to a
version 2.0 from a 1.0. I have had problems with the network after the
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)
I have 2 DTV receivers that lost their modems. I haven't gotten into the
chassis, just quit buying movies. I'm guessing lighting zapped them as I had
the same thing happen to a Pc modem till I added a surge suppressor to my
phone line.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
I have an old IBM ThinkPad 760ED with a 33.6 Data Fax VOD Modem on COM
4 that wouldn't respond in diagnostics.. OpenComm would come up w/
"Cannot open port".
So I downloaded the hardware maintenance manual from IBM's web site and
reseated the...
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
hi there..
as mentioned in the subject.. facing this problem after some viruses might
had infected the driver and deleted away by the viruscan after that.
Having put the house in order now, only to face the problem cant log on ..
the driver...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)
I use a QTEK2020 with a modem connection under "Work" configuration,
the modem connection is a gprs connection to my company private
I have no connection under "internet".
The QTEK gets a private IP, i can ping my...
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
A few days ago I noticed my channel listing covered only about 24 hours
or so. Messages indicated that the unit could not connect. The phone
line is fine as I hooked a phone to it and it works. I can also hear
the modem noise when the...
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
A few days ago I noticed my channel listing covered only about 24 hours
or so. Messages indicated that the unit could not connect. The phone
line is fine as I hooked a phone to it and it works. I can also hear
the modem noise when the...
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
does anyone know any tests i can perform on my replay tv to check to see if
i have modem failure. thanks for any help.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)
I have got a merlin cell phone card which I use with my laptop, had it for
over a year and very pleased with it except for one thing: I can't get a
signal in the house. Out on the road it works great, but, down here where my
house is...
Cell Phones
Internet Service Providers
Sprint PCS
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
I have a 3Com (now USR) 3CXM556 modem that I cannot get installed on Win XP The
USR site has NT drivers which won't install, nothing for 2000 or XP for this
device. The modem shows up as a non functional PCMCIA Generic Device in Hardware...
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
I am thinking of getting a cell modem card so that I can access the Internet
from my laptop when I am not in a hotspot area. Apparently T-Mobile is the
cheapest by far. But since you don't get something for nothing, what am I
missing? Any...
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
I can buy two A31p:
- 2653R3U with modem (CDC) and ethernet (CDC)
- 2653N3U with modem (CDC) and ethernet (CDC)
Which is better?
Can I upgrade them with wi-fi and bluetooth (I mean CDC or mini-PCI to use internal antenna)?
Can I...