R rrfgarcia2010 Jun 20, 2018 1 0 10 Jun 20, 2018 #1 The blue light on the power cord is on and the power light on the computer is green, but when I press the power button to start it, nothing happens
The blue light on the power cord is on and the power light on the computer is green, but when I press the power button to start it, nothing happens
A Alabalcho Judicious Jan 13, 2011 4,162 4 35,260 Jun 20, 2018 #2 If you think you can pay to repair ten-year old, slow-when-it-was-new netbook, find a repair shop to have a look on it. Upvote 0 Downvote
If you think you can pay to repair ten-year old, slow-when-it-was-new netbook, find a repair shop to have a look on it.